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便宜没好货。2。他走向门去企图逃跑。He walked to the door to attempt to escap.

中国一向重视与联合国亚太经社会的合作。China has always attached importance to its cooperation with ESCAP.

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中国政府高度重视本次ESCAP会议。The Chinese Government attaches great importance to this ESCAP session.

去年春天,亚太经社会回到其诞生地上海,成功举行第六十届年会。In the spring of 2004, ESCAP returned to its birthplace Shanghai and successfully held its 60th session there.

中国重视与亚太经社会的合作,积极参与各项活动。attaches importance to its cooperation with ESCAP and has taken an active part in activities of the organization.

联合国亚太经社会为落实千年发展目标、推动区域经济社会可持续发展发挥了重要作用。ESCAP has played an important role in implementing the MDGs and promoting sustainable economic and social development in this region.

近年来,亚太经社会在金学洙执秘的领导下,在会议安排、机构改革等方面做了多种尝试。ESCAP has made various experiments in meeting arrangements and institutional reform in recent years with the steering of Executive Secretary Kim Hak-Su.

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上海年会对于规划亚太地区未来发展方向,指导亚太经社会今后工作具有重要意义,是一个重要的里程碑。The session in Shanghai is a milestone for ESCAP, as it is significant in pointing the future direction for the Asia-Pacific and guiding the work of ESCAP.

亚太地区经济和社会委员会接着建立了一个专家工作组,负责对决议提出报告,而工作组提出的报告送给各ESCAP会员国政府传阅。ESCAP, in turn set up a Working Group of experts to report on the resolution and the report submitted by the Group was circulated to ESCAP member governments.

联合国亚太经社会说,短期内各国可以通过收紧货币政策、调降税率和关税,以及在增加粮食库存的同时放开出口等方式来控制粮食价格。To rein in food prices, U.N. ESCAP says in the short term countries can tighten monetary policy, lower taxes and tariffs, and free up imports while raising food stocks.

中国国务院总理顾问,中国科学院荣誉教授,温哥华市前副市长,联合国亚太经社理事会前协调员。V. Setty Pendakur, Consultant to the Prime Minister of China, Honorary Professor of Chinese Academy of Science, Former Vice Mayor of Vancouver, Former Coordinator of ESCAP of UN.

李肇星对ESCAP第60届会议在上海举行表示欢迎,对金学洙为促进ESCAP与中方合作所作的贡献表示赞赏。Li expressed his welcome for the holding of the 60th Session of the ESCAP in Shanghai and his appreciations for Kim's contributions to promoting cooperation between the ESCAP and China.

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新形势下,联合国亚太经社会可以通过改革创新、提高效率,为促进亚太各国共同发展与繁荣做出更大贡献。Under the new world situation, ESCAP can make greater contribution to the common development and prosperity of all Asia-Pacific countries through reform, innovation and improvement of its efficiency.