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或是放烟花。Or explode fireworks.

我们的库存快要撑爆了。Our stock is about to explode.

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我们必须破除迷信。We must explode superstitions.

2012年,参宿四会爆炸吗?Will Betelgeuse explode in 2012 ?

那炫到爆的舞蹈。That dance that dazzles to explode.

老家伙马上就要气炸了。That old boy is going to explode soon.

不过,她的确想戳破一些神话。But she does want to explode some myths.

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溃烂之处最终必须爆发。That which festers must eventually explode.

如果你是正确的,导弹将爆炸。If you are correct,the missile will explode.

而不太明确的则是参宿四将在何时爆炸。What is less certain is when it will explode.

但是其内部的墙壁上,色彩像炸开一样,到处都是。Inside, however, the walls explode with color.

伊朗和以色列的冲突随时会引爆。Iran and Isreal are ready to explode any time.

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离开前他会炸掉工厂。Before he leaved, he would explode the factory.

铺路式激光制导炸弹开始爆炸了。Paveway ii laser-guided bombs started to explode.

如将葡萄放置在微波炉内葡萄将会爆开。Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.

休眠火山可能在任何时间爆发。VOLCANO】A dormant volcano may explode at any time.

你懂的,除非我们真的把因特网玩爆了。You know, unless we really do explode the internet.

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死火山已失去爆发能力。An extinct volcano has ceased to be able to explode.

有人看见那架飞机掉进江里爆炸了。The plane was seen to drop into the river and explode.

许少女孩正在元霄灯节焚搁鞭炮。Many boys explode firecrackers on the Lantern Festival.