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世界希望美国依旧可以是中国的制衡力量。The world hopes the U.S. will remain a counterweight to China.

如何认识电动吊篮的配重问题?How to know the electrically operated hanging basket's counterweight question?

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转子板的CKP传感器安装在曲轴销和螺钉重第一。CKP sensor rotor plate is fitted to crankshaft counterweight No. 1 by pin and screws.

配重铁是现代机械制造工业的基础工艺之一。The counterweight iron is one of modern machine manufacture industry foundation crafts.

美国和欧洲正在帮助印度从经济上成为中国的区域性制衡力量。The U. S. and Europe are helping India economically to become a regional counterweight to China.

在这种背景下,北京模式似乎就像是一个制衡美国意识形态霸权的天然砝码。The Beijing model in this context seems like a natural counterweight to America’s ideological hegemony.

该地区很多较小的国家都向华盛顿提出请求,要求美国作为平衡力量重新介入这一区域。Many of the region’s smaller countries have asked Washington to re-engage in the region as a counterweight.

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自动链板刮沙机,带平衡块,水泥人工加入或水泥筒仓和螺旋输送机。Automatic pivoting sand scraper with counterweight , cement loading manual or with silo , and screw conveyor.

提出了确定门机对重质量及其位置的动态优化法。The dynamic optimization method of determining the counterweight and its center of portal crane is put forward.

曾经对通缩经济体起到平衡作用的法国,现在似乎认为它别无选择,只得默许。France, once a counterweight to the economics of deflation, seems now to think it has no option but to acquiesce.

设计的配重装置可大大减缓变速器轴承处支撑反力的波动。The designed counterweight device can largely reduce the fluctuation of reacting force on the bearing of gear-box.

而且澳大利亚还肯定了其与美国的长期安全联盟——以平衡中国的增长力量。And Australia affirmed its long-time security alliance with Washington -- a counterweight to China's growing might.

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从日本到越南,这些亚洲国家已经开始奉承美国了,都想拉美国进来作为抗衡他们强大邻居的地缘政治均势。From Japan to Vietnam, Asian nations have cozied up to the U.S. as a geopolitical counterweight to their giant neighbor.

安装平衡锤是减少拍门阻力和能源消耗的主要技术措施。The erection of counterweight is the main technical measure for reducing the flap valve resistance and energy consumption.

并且因为印度没有威胁到西方,其凭借自身的实力结交了强大的盟友以抗衡中国。And because India does not threaten the West, it has powerful friends both on its own merits and as a counterweight to China.

二十年来中国多半被看做对莫斯科的制衡力量,苏联解体后中国就显得虽然庞大却无关宏旨。Seen mostly as a counterweight to Moscow for 20 years, China seemed a giant irrelevancy after the demise of the Soviet Union.

配重铁是人类掌握比较早的一种金属热加工工艺,已有约6000年的历史。The counterweight iron is the humanity masters the quite early one metal hot-working craft, had the approximately 6000 history.

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正因为如此,印度一些政界人士已将越南视作抗衡中国的一个砝码,就像巴基斯坦是中国制衡印度的砝码一样。That's why in some quarters of New Delhi, Vietnam is already seen as a counterweight in the same way Pakistan has been for China.

浮标的向上运动则产生吸力,可将阀球提起,这样可允许气流受力并返回至配重管。Upward motion of the buoy causes a suction which lifts the balls, thus allowing air to be drawn back down the counterweight tube.

介绍某电厂的增压风机转子现场动平衡过程中试重大小及配重方案的选取方法。A case of field balancing of a centrifugal fan is presented to show the method to determine the trial counterweight for balancing.