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如果可能的话,使用闪光灯,这通常会拍出好照片If possible, use strobe lights. They always give better results

这也是为什么体育摄影师们都使用大功率闪光灯的原因。That’s why sports photographers use high-powered strobe lights.

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无频闪的灯光,没有迪厅模式,没有莫尔斯电码,没有多余的设置。No strobe lights, no disco mode, no morse code, no extra settings.

计数式频率计的选通门一般与被测信号是不相关的。The strobe signal is not commonly associated with the signal tested.

工作放松有气动闸门和皮带机输送。There are two feeding way including pneumatic strobe and belt conveying.

阿赫恩强迫自己把心思放到仪表盘上,打开了二极管的开关。He forced his gaze to the instrument panel and flicked the strobe switch.

按照要求,每当频闪闪光灯无规律地闪光之时,他必须揿下一个按钮。He was asked to press a button every time an irregular strobe light flashed.

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同样我是用闪光灯作为主光源,将墙保持在阴影里面。We once again used the strobe as the main light and kept the wall in shadow.

他被要求向按下一个按钮,每一次不规则闪光灯一闪。Hew as asked to press a button every time an irregular strobe light fl ashed.

在连接外壳前,先测试闪灯是否工作正常。Test that the strobe ready light is operating before connecting to the housing.

我们需要所有支援。到达着陆点并安置红外线频闪器。We need all the help we can get. Head to the LZs and mark 'em with an IR Strobe.

斯特罗布.塔尔博特来阿肯色州看望我,我们讨论了是否该寄出这封信。Strobe Talbott came to Arkansas to visit and we discussed whether I should mail it.

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如果你使用的是外闪,现在你可以装配底板和灯臂。If you use external strobes you will now be fitting your base plate and strobe arms.

许多个早晨,当弗兰克和斯特罗布进行作业时,我便为他们做早饭。On many mornings, I would make breakfast for Frank and Strobe as they began their work.

底孔闸门布置在大坝的中部靠下,承担大坝冲沙任务。The bottom hole strobe arranged in dam middle, undertakes the dam to flush the sand duty.

你也可以使用国家仪器数据获准硬件控制频闪灯。You can also use National Instruments data acquisition hardware to control strobe lights.

这就要有弧光灯或者闪光灯,虽然光线已经非常弱。You'd need arcs or strobe lights for that kind of effect, even in this feeble, fading light.

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这些相机在动物经过的时候会自动拍照,有些还加装了夜视设备,闪光灯和其他机械装置,还有一些可以拍摄视频。Some are equipped with night vision, strobe flashes and other gizmos, and some can record video.

中断包括相机一样屏幕外舞台指示和闪光灯闪烁的东西。Interruptions include things like off-screen stage direction and strobe flashes from still cameras.

他用滤光灯从后面照射这些生物,然后准确地记录下它们奇特的外形。He uses strobe light to backlight the creatures and record exactly how their incredible bodies look.