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我从爱荷华州来的。I'm from Iowa.

我衷心感谢艾奥瓦的公民们。Thank you, Iowa.

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他过去常住在依阿华州。He used to live in Iowa.

朋友,我看你是从依阿华州来的。Friend, I see you come from Iowa.

我试着到爱荷华州达文波特的woc电台去求职。I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa.

我住在中西部,爱荷华曾是最好的州。Midwest. Iowa is the best state ever.

其中的五家工厂将位于衣阿华州。Five of the biodiesel plants will be in Iowa.

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耶普森说,艾奥瓦州选民"还有时间作出决定。Iowa voters "take their sweet time in deciding.

爱荷华州的一所学校的大部分屋顶也被掀翻。A high school in Iowa also lost most of its roof.

在爱荷华作家工作室学习写作。She studied writing at the Iowa Writers Workshop.

美国爱荷华州铁丝网上的白霜。Hoarfrost on a wire fence in the US state of Iowa.

计划明年在爱荷华市加入我们吧!Make plans now to joins us next year in Iowa City!

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而另一位敌手是来自爱阿华州内的史考特高文。From intrastate rival Iowa State was Scott Coleman.

衣阿华级战列舰究竟能跑多快?How fast could the Iowa class battleships really go?

奥巴马周五在中西部的爱奥华州竞选。Obama campaigned Friday in the Midwest state of Iowa.

我们在爱荷华州学校时常常讨论这个话题。We talk about it all the time back at school in Iowa.

美国爱荷华州立大学的布希曼著了先鞭。Brad J. Bushman of Iowa State University took the lead.

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然而,卡弗在衣阿华州立学院任教的时间并不长。Carver did not stay long at Iowa State College, however.

城乡差别遍及整个衣阿华州。Urban-rural differences were widespread throughout Iowa.

爱荷华州的一对夫妇,他们相爱并执子之手直到生命的尽头。For one Iowa couple, true love lasted until the very end.