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获得了欧洲鳗鲡血液生理生化指标参考值。Haematological and biochemical values of European eel was provided.

所有这些患者均因严重的血液病而入院治疗。All of these patients were hospitalized because of severe haematological disorders.

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方法应用临床、组织病理、免疫学及免疫组织化学和血液学检查等。Methods The haematological , histopathological, immunological and immunohistochemical data and methods were used.

结论TATS对初治及复发APL有一定的诱导分化作用,单药TATS治疗初治及复发APL患者可达到血液学和细胞遗传学缓解。Conclusion TATS has a differentiation inducing effect on untreated and recurrent APL, with haematological CR and cytogenetic CR achieved.

并进行了人工免疫试验和药敏试验,血液生理生化指标的检测。We carried out artifical immune experiment, medicine sensitive experiment, and measured the haematological and serum biochemical indexes.

目的了解血液系统出血性疾病导致的子宫异常出血的情况,探讨妇科干预和治疗的方法及效果。Objective To investigate the abnormal menorrhagia accompanied by haematological diseases and its gynecological strategies and consequences.

目的建立常规的小巨核细胞免疫酶标染色方法,并讨论该方法对儿童血液病诊断及鉴别诊断中的应用意义。Objective To found enzyme labeling for micromegakaryocytes, and discuss its application in children with several kinds of haematological diseases.

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此次试验的目的是研究鲤鱼经短时间高浓度的重金属溶液的暴露,几项血液学指标的变化情况。The study was to evaluate the influences on the haematological parameters of carp after short-time exposures to high concentrations of heavy metals.

多数病人感觉疲劳和不适,有血球计数不正常和非典型细胞出现等情况,在这种情况下需要做骨髓检查。Most patients suffer from fatigue and malaise. Haematological count anomalies and atypical cells are suggestive of leukaemia and indicate a bone marrow examination.

今年是我患上多发性骨髓瘤的第五个年头,这是一种血癌,我回顾了一下患上此病后的一系列突变的症状、治疗以及副作用。Now entering my fifth year of living with multiple myeloma, a haematological cancer, I reflect back on a roller-coaster ride of symptoms, treatments and side effects.

伊马替尼是目前用来治疗新诊断患者的治疗药物,他不仅表现出了良好的治疗反应,以及症状的控制同时获得了许多较好的血液学的参数。Imatinib is now the treatment of choice for most newly diagnosed patients. Excellent responses, in terms of symptom control and haematological parameters, are usually obtained.

这些造成血栓形成的因素可能首先来自于遗传因素,而更常见的则是继发于妊娠、血液系统或全身性疾病以及各种药物的影响。These prothrombotic states may be primary inherited disorders or, much more often, secondary to pregnancy, to a haematological , or systemic disease, or to the effects treatment.

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入院接受密集化疗的血液学恶性肿瘤的病人被随机分为两组,在单中心实验中用双盲法处理安慰剂组和控制组。Patients with haematological malignancies receiving intensive chemotherapy and requiring hospitalization were randomized in a double-blind, placebo-controlled single-centre trial.

其中约三分之一的患者因血液系统恶性肿瘤、癌症高强度化疗或移植后治疗而存在免疫系统严重低下的问题。Around one third of these cases occurred in patients whose immune systems were severely suppressed by haematological malignancy, aggressive chemotherapy for cancer, or post-transplant treatment.