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你灰心丧气,感到无力。You feel deflated. Enervated.

宫廷的奢华生活使她变得萎靡不振。She was enervated by the luxury of palace life.

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火热的太阳灼晒得令她近乎崩溃。The hot sun enervated her to the point of collapse.

炎热的夏天让人们虚弱无力,情绪低落。The scorching summer left people enervated and listless.

热风使得很多人感到疲乏和压抑。Warm winds make many people feel enervated and depressed.

如果你被酷热的天气弄得很乏力,试着在清凉的海里游泳,这会让你充满活力。If you feel enervated by the heat, try a swim in the cool ocean.

埃玛被炎热的太阳烤得全身无力,几乎昏倒。Emma was so enervated by the broiling sun that she nearly fainted.

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如果你热得感到无力时,试着在凉爽的海水中游泳,这将增添你的活力。If you feel enervated by the heat, try a swim in the cool ocean. It will invigorate you.

在阿格拉,一个差点错过了火车的陌生人来到了我的隔间,他看起来疑惑而且虚弱无力。At Agra, A foreigner who has almost missed his train came to my compartment looking confused and enervated.

与福斯特一起,这些视觉文化作家对在当今文化中,设计该做什么产生了深远又无力的担忧。Together with Foster, these Visual Culture writers resonate a profound and enervated anxiety as to what to do about design.

手若无法以用力获胜,若动弹不得,或若因失败而变得虚弱,那他们不再是手,而仅是包骨之皮肤。Hands that fail to triumph by force, get bogged down or grow enervated in defeat, are no longer hands but mere envelopes of skin.

与福斯特一起,这些视觉文化作家对在当今文化中,设计该做什么产生了深远又无力的担忧。Together with Foster, these Visual Culture writers resonate a profound and enervated anxiety as to what to do about design in contemporary culture.

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散落的花朵,飞舞的碎花,在手缝粗蜡线划分的一个个三角空间里,显得尤为娇贵秀丽。Scattering flower, the broken flower that flutter, in the each triangle space that seams thick candle line to differentiate in the hand, appear particularly enervated is beautiful.