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幽冥飞船的船长?The captain of the Flying Dutchman?

这个荷兰人瘫成一团泥,昏了过去。The Dutchman just crumpled up and fainted.

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假如这家伙是个亿万富翁,我就是浑蛋。If this guy is a billionaire, I'm a Dutchman.

下半场,博拉鲁兹还是这样。In the second half, the Dutchman was at it again.

荷兰人开始认为这事不足闹着玩儿的了。The Dutchman began to think it was getting beyond a joke.

午夜时分,这个荷兰人进入了公墓地界。At midnight, the Dutchman came within site of the graveyard.

荷兰人塞及·考克斯已经在这里工作18年了。Thijs Cox is a Dutchman who's been working here for 18 years.

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1642年荷兰人亚伯塔斯曼把这些岛屿命名为新西兰。The Dutchman Abel Tasman named the islands New Zealand in 1642.

然而,荷兰人正在梅尔伍德神速的恢复着自己的身体状态。However, the Dutchman has been making a speedy recovery at Melwood.

然后,这个荷兰人用一份大礼为这伟大的一天留下了纪念。Afterwards, the Dutchman paid tribute to the legends who graced his big day.

荷兰人亚历克斯·科勒维恩在熏制室山毛榉和橡木火上烧烤鳗鱼。Eels cook over a beech and oak fire at Dutchman Alex Koelewijn's smokehouse.

这是一部,五十年代早期,由荷兰人吉斯-博克构思的片子。It was originally conceived by a Dutchman named Kees Boeke in the early '50s.

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回到家,荷兰人喝了点杜松子酒壮壮胆后,告诉了妻子他遇到鬼的故事。After fortifying himself with schnapps, the Dutchman told his wife about the ghost.

回到家,荷兰人喝了点杜松子酒壮壮胆后,告诉了妻子他遇到鬼的故事。After fortifying 8 himself with schnapps, the Dutchman told his wife about the ghost.

“荷兰人号”的船员们身上布满了藤壶和鳞片,与其说是人倒不如说是怪物。The crew of the Dutchman was covered in barnacles and scales — more monster than human.

荷兰人齐斯•范•温德尔临死前请求医生帮助他一死了之时说了这番话。These were the words of Dutchman Cees van Wendel de Joode asking his doctor to help him die.

就在他训话的时候,几个人把一个箱子举过船舷抬到“荷兰人号”的甲板上来。As he spoke, several of the men heaved a chest over the rail and onto the deck of the Dutchman.

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然而,很明白如果荷兰人降低他的工资要求,他们才会有下一步动作。However, it is understood they will only make a move if the Dutchman drops his personal demands.

总之,那个荷兰人大叫一声,一蹦二尺来高,唰地抽出一把手枪。Anyhow, the dutchman gave a shout, he jumped about two feet into the air and whipped out a revolver.

在受伤缺席长达五个月的时间之后,这位荷兰人终于在白鹿巷的北伦敦德比之战中复出。The Dutchman returned from a five-month lay-off in Wednesday's North London derby at White Hart Lane.