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创作圆舞曲我是一窍不通。I'm hopeless how to indite a waltz.

在我做完这些事情之后我怎么还可以给你写信呢?How could I indite to you after what Id done?

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引导学生挑选素材进行创作。Lead the students to choose some information and indite the poem.

此散文仅仅是出于尝试用英文创作文章。This essay is written just for trying to indite article in English.

音乐赋作为赋体文学的一个特殊种类,自汉代起就不断有人创作,受到文人的普遍喜爱。As a special species of Fu , the music Fu is popular from Han Dynasty, and many writers constantly indite such work.

本课主要从两首乐曲的结构特点和创作风格等方面来进行比较,找出两首作品的共同点和各自存在不同的…This thesis finds out the character of similarities and differences from compare of the Structure feature and Indite Style of tow music.

新罗留学生精通儒家典籍,熟悉各种汉文学体裁的写作,创作了大量优秀的汉文学作品。The Xinluo students were accomplished in the Confucianism sutra, could compose in types of literature and indite many excellent Chinese writings.

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网络文学对传统文学的存在方式、创作模式、价值观念、创作主体和语言风格等各个方面都带来了一定冲击。Literature on internet is challenging traditional literature on its existence, indite mode, value conception, indite principle and tongue type etc.

本文将李益诗歌和他所处的时代、生平经历结合起来,分析李益创作的心态和他在七绝方面独特的艺术成就。This article will combine his poems, the time he had lived and his life experience together, analyse his indite and his special achievement of his seven-word poems.

本文通过对中国现代诗歌创作进行梳理和研究,揭示了三个不同时期的诗歌创作对古典诗词传统的继承与发展,进而探讨中国现代诗歌的创作规律。In this essay, by researching Chinese modern poesy indite, it opens out 3 different ages to inherit classic poesy's tradition and discusses Chinese modern poesy's disciplinarian of indite.