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第一步就是要挖掘的基座及匝道。The first step is to excavate for the pedestal and ramp.

1959年,俄国人为了挖掘恐龙化石而留下的小土山。Russian made these hill to excavate dino-fossils in 1959.

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他们要做的是找到、挖出、并鉴定那位无名水手。Their brief was to find, excavate and identify the Unknown Sailor.

可惜中国开采这些矿产物的能力还不太够。Unfortunately, China lacks the capability to excavate the mineral.

在开挖槽边弃土时,应保证边坡和直立帮的稳定。Excavate side earth should ensure the stability of the slope and upright.

申走在中国经营萤石矿,挖掘和其他矿物质。Shen Zou operates mines in China that excavate fluorite and other minerals.

深圳某土石方开挖工程采用中深孔爆破方式。Deep-hole blasting was used to excavate soil-rock in some project in Shenzhen.

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酒店管理人员要求工程队在现场小心挖掘。Hotel managers instructed their engineering team to carefully excavate the site.

发掘生活中幸福的一面吧,不要阴阴沉沉、忧忧郁郁地活着。Excavate the happy side of life. Don't go around with a gloomy melancholy attitude.

她召集了一个团队对遗址进行开挖并把发现撰写进了书里。She put together a team to excavate the site and is writing a book about her findings.

政客们会不择手段,发掘一切潜在的社会裂痕去赢得选票。Politicians would stop at nothing to excavate all latent social creaks to get more votes.

采煤塌陷水域已成为淮南市矿区一种特殊的地表水体。Excavate coal subsided water area is the special component of the surface water in Huainan.

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某工程的土石方开挖采用大直径深孔爆破方式。Large-diameter long hole blasting was used to excavate soil-rock in some engineering project.

为发掘传统技术,将起到古为今用的作用。To excavate tradition technology, this will play a role in making the past serve the present.

于是两人一同创立Butrint基金会致力于遗址的保护并且对遗迹采取更进一步的挖绝。Together they set up the Butrint Foundation to protect the site and excavate more of its ruins.

研究者计划在这个夏季返回斯匹次卑尔根群岛挖掘第二具化石。The researchers plan to excavate the second pliosaur when they return to Spitsbergen this summer.

为挖掘和保持旅游纪念品的地方特色找到一条新的发展之路。At last, it gives us a feasible way to excavate and keep the local specialty of tourism souvenirs.

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然而,一旦有了一座水坝和一个湖在顶上,什么时候还能再次看到并且挖掘这些遗迹呢?But once there's a dam and a lake on top.when is anyone ever going to see it or excavate it again?

理想的河岸边土壤很松软,这些鸟可以很轻松的用自己喙去凿出适合做窝的地洞。The ideal riverbank is crumbly enough for the birds to excavate a nesting burrow with their beaks.

开挖时,应先沿灰线直边切出槽边的轮廓线,然后再分段分层平均下挖。Cut out the contour line along the calcareousness, and then excavate with sub-layer and subsection.