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我们必须重新调整宏观经济政策。We must re-adjust macroeconomic policy.

宏观环境也仍然问题重重。The macroeconomic environment, too, remains troublesome.

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而这个可能就是宏观经济的稳定。And, that could be the macroeconomic stability," Thayer stated.

宏观经济时好时坏,抑制了更乐观的市场情绪。Macroeconomic choppiness is holding back more dramatic market euphoria.

否则,宏观经济政策的回旋余地只会变得越来越小。Otherwise, the room to maneuver macroeconomic policy will only get smaller.

"石油基金提供自我保护,应对宏观经济波动,"IMF表示.""Oil funds provide self-insurance against macroeconomic volatility," it said.

所以我试着研读美联储用来预测的宏观经济模型和……So I've been trying to read macroeconomic models that the fed uses to predict and

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但是那件事却对政府的宏观调控信誉产生了持久伤害。But the episode did lasting harm to the credibility of its macroeconomic stewardship.

本文最后,对陕西省遗址旅游项目运用BTO融资模式的宏观政策支持进行了初步探讨。The end of this essay contains the support of macroeconomic policy for using BTO mode.

统计数据质量事关宏观社会经济政策制定的科学性。The quality of statistical data influences the science of Macroeconomic policy-making.

我们现在面临一个变化的,和偿付能力和宏观经济有关的问题。We are now facing a liquidity problem, a solvency problem and a macroeconomic problem.

如果我是一个经济学家,我会把芭比当作宏观经济升降的气压计。If I were an economist, I'd study Barbie as a barometer of macroeconomic ups and downs.

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消费率是反映国民经济运行状况的重要宏观经济指标。Consumption rate is an important macroeconomic index used to reflect economic condition.

出于此原因,小麦价格仍然经常受到直接或间接的宏观调控。For this reason, the wheat still directly or indirectly subject to macroeconomic controls.

国民经济核算体系是宏观经济调控与管理的重要依据。National Accounting System is an important basis for macroeconomic control and management.

这种长期的宏观经济趋势是,个人短期微观经济决定的结果。This long term macroeconomic trend is a result of individual short microeconomic decisions.

经济增长的持续下降,表明我国出现了经济增长趋缓现象。The continuous fall in economic growth was of great disadvantage to macroeconomic operation.

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信息将取代货币成为宏观经济调节的核心变量,信息资本将取得对金融资本的支配地位。Information will take the place of money and turn into the key variable in the macroeconomic.

这意味着美国必须在宏观经济和贸易政策方面与中国和日本合作。It implies that the US must cooperate with China and Japan on macroeconomic and trade policy.

资本市场改革将提供有效的宏观经济政策手段,实现非膨胀型的稳定增长。It will create effective macroeconomic policy tools to ensure stable, non-inflationary growth.