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退化的情形是怎样的?What about the degenerate cases?

黄母我怎么生了你这么一个败类。How I bore a degenerate like you.

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不要让节俭变成贪财。Don't let thrift degenerate into avarice.

所以叫退化。OK, so that's why it's called degenerate.

但这三个p轨道是简并的。But these three p orbitals are degenerate.

直到现在,我仍在渺茫,仍在颓唐。Until now, I'm still slim, still degenerate.

没有人希望给他人留下堕落者的印象。No one wants to be remembered as a degenerate.

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不奢靡,不消沉,不堕落。Not extravagant, not depressed, not degenerate.

遇光慢慢分解变质。Gradually decomposes and degenerate under the light.

改革“可能退化为由改革者发起的政治报复”。Reform "can degenerate into political payback" by the reformers.

我们称之为简并轨道,它们具有相同的能量。That's what we call degenerate orbitals, they're the same energy.

这四个轨道,能量相同,是简并的。All four of these orbitals have the same energy, t hey're degenerate.

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最后,给出上述结论在拟正则映射中的应用。In this paper, degenerate weakly quasiregular mappings are considered.

当花粉成熟时,绒毡层细胞完全解体。Tapetal cells degenerate completely when pollen grains reach maturity.

用真双正态模型处理了退化资料。The proper binormal ROC model had been applied to the degenerate data.

总可以做到使得简并的本征函数是正交的。It can always be arranged that degenerate eigenfunctions are orthogonal.

诚实不该是退化为简单,而睿智也不该退化为狡诈。Sincerity should not degenerate into simplicity nor sagacity into cunng.

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授粉后6天,胚乳游离核开始解体,比原胚败育早。About 6 days after pollination, the hybrid endosperm began to degenerate.

对于团簇B13,我们获得了三种基本上简并的基态结构。For B13 clusters, We have found three degenerate ground-state structures.

为什么我们不能只是说,它是退化临界点?Why can't we just say, well, it's going to be a degenerate critical point?