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巴黎适合我。Paris suited me.

完全不适合化妆。Not suited to make-up at all.

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他们是适得其所。He is well suited with his place.

你倒是适合做我的助手。You are suited to be my assistant.

适合与红肉和猎获品配搭。Most suited for red and game meats.

这个联盟适合他们双方。The alliance has suited both sides.

钢弦最适合弹和弦。It's best suited for finger picking.

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小凌很适合做前锋。Ling is quite suited to be a forward.

小凌很适合做前锋。Ling is quite suited to is a forward.

这个题目很适合我,原因有二。This suited me fine, for two reasons.

与海鲜、鸡肉及意面搭配十分鲜美。Ideally suited to seafood, chicken, pasta.

朔尔茨最终找到了一个适合自己的工作。Scholz finally found a job that suited him.

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我们是天造的一对,生生世世,只有你和我。Suited perfectly, for eternity, me and you.

HDR最适合拍摄高对比度的场景。HDR is best suited for high-contrast scenes.

并非银河的所有部分都是适合生命的。Not all parts of a galaxy are suited to life.

本品不宜与芳烃类溶剂接触。Not suited in contact with aromatic solvents.

添加了激素NAA的培养基较适宜山慈姑种子苗的生根。The medium with NAA is better suited to root.

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对于ASP.NET来说MVC是一个更好的模式集。MVC is a much better suited pattern for ASP.NET.

是大井巷通吴山的小径。Huqingyutang Pharmacy is suited in Big Well Lane.

否则你们可能不适合犯罪。If not, you're not well suited to a life of crime.