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葛云伤重,危及生命。GeYun injuries, endanger life.

特雷福叫道,“你自己也得去冒点险吗!You gotta endanger yourself too!

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这样你就使自己陷入了危险的境地。So you sort of endanger yourself.

PVC产品危害用户健康。PVC products endanger their users.

自然灾害危害生物。Natural disasters endanger creatures.

工作过度可能会危害你的健康。Overworking can endanger your health.

而且,大规模的放归自然也可能危及人类。A mass release could also endanger humans.

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手足口病的危害性?Does brothers mouth endanger a gender illy ?

市区的伸展危及到了野生动物。The enlargment of city endanger the mild animals.

这样,你们就使我的头在王那里难保。then shall ye make me endanger my head to the king.

但,又是这昂贵的食品价格和贫困回潮现象,他的连任竞选可能会危险重重。But, again, costly food and resurgent poverty may endanger him.

如果我们的计划不能在国会通过,将危及我的总统职位。If our plan failed in Congress, it could endanger my presidency.

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鼻炎会危害大脑吗?是否会记忆力减退?。Can rhinitis endanger cerebrum ? Whether to meet does memory drop?

他说,过度使用这些设备将危害到普通市民的权利。He said overusing the equipments will endanger the rights of citizens.

在中国,偷渡犯罪也像一场瘟疫,危害极深。In China, illegal immigrant endanger very deep, just like an epidemic.

出版也可能危及中国谷歌的员工,她说。Publishing it also could endanger Google employees in China, she said.

有的厂家甚至使用危害健康的含磷石膏。Some manufacturer use those who endanger health to contain phosphorous gesso even.

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酒后驾车不仅会造成交通事故,而且会危害到行人的生命。Drunk-driving can not only cause traffic accidents, but also endanger the lives of.

抗税行为侵害了国家的税收法律制度,造成了危害正常纳税秩序的结果。Tax revolt breaks national tax code and endanger the sequences of regular taxation.

不得种植可能危及电力设施安全的植物。It is not allowed to grow plants that would endanger the safety of power facilities.