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腿抬高是否会导致右边或者左边的下腹部疼痛?Does leg rasing induce pain in the right or left lower quadrant?

瞭解。所有火力向前方,集中开火。Nagase Roger. Concentrating all fire towards the front quadrant.

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据设计者所述,Quadranta的设计是从四分之一圆弧开始的。According to its creator, this design was started with quadrant arcs.

不过,共享内存段依然不能跨越象限边界。However, shared memory segments still can not cross quadrant boundaries.

他说,他们的工作就是去制造四个伟大的产品,每个分区一个。Their job, he said, was to make four great products, one for each quadrant.

象限误差主要是因为摩擦力带来的暂态现象。The quadrant glitches were due to friction brought about transient phenomenon.

魔力象限关注云托管的3个常见用例The magic quadrant focuses on three common usecases for cloud outsourced hosting

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我曾遍游这片星区,却从不知道这地方如此精妙。I have traveled the Quadrant over, and never have I known such an exquisite place.

给出了螺旋桨四象限动态工作下的数学模型和深潜艇的直航运动仿真模型。The simulation models of DSV corresponding to four quadrant propeller work are given.

对她的体格检查除了腹部左下象限触痛没有其它明显表现。Physical examination is unremarkable except for tenderness over the left lower quadrant.

在实际应用时,四象限变流器可能存在变压器漏抗大的情况。In the actual application, large transformer impendence exists in four quadrant converter.

33岁女性,头痛、右上方视野缺损、阅读困难。A 33-year-old woman with headache, right upper quadrant visual cut, and difficulty reading.

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Linpack的成绩并没有太大不同,但三象限得分几乎正常的分数。Linpack scores are not much different, but Quadrant scores are almost triple normal scores.

西南风低空急流中心一般位于西南涡的东南象限。The center of southwest low jet currently lay in the southeast quadrant of southwest vortex.

你只要坚持这样做,只要不断地从象限三和象限四中偷出一点儿时间。You just keep doing it. You just keep stealing a little from quadrant three and quadrant four.

这座大桥从南京城的西北部延伸出去,跨越了长江。The bridge rose up and away from the city's northwest quadrant spanning the great Yangtze river.

本文一种新颖的不使用CCD或四象限传感器的光束定向机理。In the paper, a novel beam orienting mechanism utilizing no CCD or quadrant detectors is presented.

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地黄饮子能缩短潜伏时间,增加经过目标象限次数。Therefore, Dihuang Yinzi could shorten the latency time and increase the number of target quadrant.

腹部超音波显示,结节性多囊性肿块在左下腹的腹部。Abdominal ultrasound revealed a nodular multi-cystic mass in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen.

如图所示乔哈瑞窗格模型的典型形态,各象限面积相同。This is the standard representation of the Johari Window model, showing each quadrant the same size.