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1公顷合15市亩。A hectare is equal to 15 mu.

经济效益明显,每公顷净增效益平均为105.38元。A net profit of 105.38 RMB per hectare could be achieved.

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相比之下,墨西哥农民每公顷使用200千克氮。By comparison, Mexican farmers use 200 kilograms per hectare.

美国农业部预计大豆的平均收获率为每公顷2.59吨。USDA projects average soybean yield at 2.59 tonnes per hectare.

这个有5间卧室的房子占了约50公顷的土地。The five-bedroom house is on almost half a hectare of land along

她家每年种植玉米约20多亩,大部分用于制作青贮饲料。They also grow 20 mu a little over one hectare of corn for silage.

每公顷粮食产量可以提高1,500公斤以上。The grain output per hectare can be increased by more than 1,500kg.

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热弗雷-香贝丹是夜丘葡萄种植面积最广的村庄,同时拥有55公顷特级园。Gevrey Chambertin owns largest area of vineyard and 55 hectare Grand Cru.

定义每公顷玉米种植面积上所饲养的奶牛数量称为养殖密度。The number of cows per hectare corn farmers is called as breeding density.

今年她额外租赁了1公顷的土地——都是因为p4p。This year she is leasing an additional hectare of land – all because of P4P.

在美国爱荷华州,靠雨水供养的玉米平均产量为每公顷10吨。In Iowa in the US, the average rain-fed maize yield is 10 tonnes per hectare.

并且专家指出,每公顷产出的土豆提供的食物比大米或小麦都多。And experts say potatoes can produce more food per hectare than wheat or rice.

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表明在高施氮量下施钾150公斤K2O/公顷是适宜的。It indicated 150 kg K2O per hectare is proper under the high level of nitrogen.

2003年,转基因油菜在全球种植面积为352万公顷。In 2003, transgenetic rapeseed was planted 352 million hectare allover the world.

酿酒葡萄将种植在史泰登岛植物园的每寸土地上。Wine grapes will be planted on most of one hectare in the Staten Island Botanical Garden.

呼和浩特市南湖湿地公园是人工营造的大型城市湿地公园,已建成面积达600公顷。Hohhot South Lake of Wetland Park is a big urban wetland park, the area is about 600 hectare.

该项目位于市中心附近,占地面积10公顷,建筑面积21万平方米。Located close to the town center, the project covers 10 hectare site area and 210,000 floor area.

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据统计,蔓越莓年产量每公顷大约600公斤。According to statistics, yearly output yield of cranberries is something around 600 kilos per hectare.

实验也发现,在每公顷耕地使用40千克的钾,对提高产量最为有利。The experimentation also found that using 40kg potassium per hectare is optimum to increase production.

公顷是面积的公制单位,等于一万平方米或100公亩,它也等于2.471英亩。Hectare is a metric unit of area, equal to 10,000 square meters or 100 ares, which also equals 2.471 acres.