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自那时以来消雾研究一直遵循这个方向。Fog dispersal research has since followed the line.

就其本身而言,知识的传播是件好事。In itself, the dispersal of know-ledge is a good thing.

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植物的种子,果实,或其它部分被风吹散。Dispersal of seeds, fruits, or other plant parts by wind.

测得柑桔大实蝇可飞翔扩散1500米远。The dispersal distance of the fly was estimated to be 1500 meters.

科学家们有说过关于收租金来鼓励分散吗?Do scientists say anything about charging rent to encourage dispersal ?

最重要的是,蝙蝠是授粉和传播种子的主要媒介。Most crucially, bats are major agents of pollination and seed dispersal.

其中的第三章是关于种子传播的。Seed Dispersal and Seed Predation of Plants Species in the Negev Desert.

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美国自1963年以来,冷雾消散在实际操作上一直是成功的。Cold fog dispersal has been an operational success in the U.S. since 1963.

卖我们经过长满野杏树的山冈时,大伙呼地一下全散开了。When we passed wild apricot trees on the hills there was an abrupt dispersal.

在极端干热的沙漠里,通过雨水传播种子尤其重要。Seeds dispersal by rain is especially important in extremely hot and dry deserts.

被发现是有史以来生产的最具毒性的分散剂之一。Corexit 9500 was found to be one of the most toxic dispersal agents ever developed.

液滴变形和破碎是燃料抛撒问题的重要过程。The deformation and breakup of liquid droplet is important in fuel explosive dispersal.

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动物传播是定向传播,微生境多适合种子萌发。Many of the cache microhabitat are beneficial to seed germination, a directed dispersal.

昆虫学家倾向于低估在扩散过程中定居现象的重要性。Entomologists have tended to underestimate the importance of colonization through dispersal.

最后讨论了杨属起源后的散布途径及现代分布格局的成因。In addition, the dispersal channels and the causes of modern distribution pattern are elaborated.

作为第二节课内容的延续,当时我讲过关于风险分摊的原则。It's a continuation of the second lecture, where I talked about the principle of dispersal of risk.

然而,势力的分散尽管有好处,但也带来更加危险的劣势。Yet, while the dispersal of power has advantages, there are also even more dangerous disadvantages.

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植物结实的季节和果实损耗的过程也体现了其对扩散机会的适应。The fruiting season and fruit loss process of plants reflects adaptation to dispersal opportunities.

有一些有趣而新颖的方案可用于解决可用性,比如信息传播。There are some interesting and novel schemes to address availability, such as information dispersal.

分析比较了不同雷诺数下气相拟序结构对于颗粒扩散的影响。The gas coherent structure influence of different Reynolds number on particle dispersal was analyzed.