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我全权负责。I take full responsibility.

不推卸责任。Not to shirk responsibility.

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第三,明确责任。Third, clear responsibility.

他推卸自己的责任。He balked his responsibility.

她很好地承担责任。She bears responsibility well.

责任被分散出去了。Responsibility becomes diffuse.

明白你的责任。Understand your responsibility.

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我们有道义上的责任。We have a moral responsibility.

不要推辞义务。Don't shirk your responsibility.

什么是你的责任区?What is your responsibility area?

谁将担负这责任?Who will bear the responsibility?

权力本身也含有责任。Power -ries responsibility with it.

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这是我们担负的责任。That is the responsibility we bear.

责任需要分担The responsibility must be shared."

来来来,就是责任大。Comes, is the responsibility is big.

他总是逃避责任。He always shirks his responsibility.

我们都对此负有责任”。We all take responsibility for that.

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履行你的责任,承认它。Your responsibility it to confess it.

讲评员有一个重大的责任。Evaluators have a huge responsibility.

探求真元,是我们的职责。Exploring truth is our responsibility.