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老威尔斯人精于木雕。The old Welshman was skillful in woodcarving.

安东尼奥•瓦伦西亚沿右路突破,向中路分球找到了威尔士人。Antonio Valencia attacked down the right and found the Welshman inside.

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“第一个赛季就打进20球真是难以置信,”威尔士人说。"Twenty goals in his first season is unbelievable, " said the Welshman.

“他绝对对我的职业生涯影响最大,”威尔士人说。"He's definitely had the biggest influence on my career, " added the Welshman.

现在我非常享受我的斯诺克,因为我们几乎周周都有比赛。”威尔士人补充道。I'm really enjoying my snooker now as we're playing week in, week out, " added the Welshman."

这个威尔士男人以前还在哈萨克斯坦、也门、伊朗和欧洲各地工作过。The Welshman has previously worked in Kazakhstan, Yemen and Iran, as well as throughout Europe.

也许不令人意外,威尔士人还成为了本赛季最佳的候选人。It is perhaps no surprise, then, that the Welshman is being touted as this season's player of the year.

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三友者,一曰英吉利、次曰法兰西、三曰威尔士。一日,共行于水次。Three guys, an Englishman, a Frenchman and a Welshman are out walking along the beach together one day.

周六的比赛中,威尔士人在于斯托克城的肖恩克罗斯拼抢后遭遇了严重的两处腿部骨折。The Welshman suffered a double fracture to his leg on Saturday following a challenge from Stoke's Ryan Shawcross.

天快亮时老威尔斯曼回了家,他浑身滴满蜡烛油,蹭满泥土,差点累得精疲力竭。The old Welshman came home toward daylight, spattered with candle-grease, smeared with clay, and almost worn out.

吉格斯很冷静,技术也好。但35岁的威尔士人能打多少比赛是个问题。Ryan Giggs has the coolness and skill to do it but it is questionable how many games even the great Welshman can start at 35.

威尔士人还希望带来更多的球员,古德扬森就是他考察的众多球员中的一名,而休斯希望能够租借他。The Welshman also hopes to bring in a couple more players with a loan deal for Eidur Gudjohnsen one of the options he is exploring.

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这位17岁的威尔士少年在周六对巴内特的比赛中上演了他的阿森纳处子秀,而今晚对哈拉德斯的热身赛他也会再次首发。The 17-year-old Welshman made his Arsenal debut on Saturday at Barnet and may feature again tonight in the friendly at Szombathelyi.

吉格斯对米德尔斯堡打进了首开纪录的进球,这是威尔士人完美的一周。Giggs opened the scoring in fine fashion against Gareth Southgate's side, and it was a fitting end to a perfect week for the Welshman.

这名经验丰富的威尔士人希望能再踢一个赛季,同时他也很乐意给他的国家队一些场下建议。The veteran Welshman wants to play on for another season and would also be happy to help out his national side with off the field advice.

赌博公司推出了100比1的赔率来赌这个威尔士人的任何进球庆祝将与挥杆有关,贝拉米的确这样做了。Bookies responded by offering odds of 100-1 that the Welshman would celebrate any goal with a swing � and sure enough, Bellamy did the business.

贝尔自2007年从南安普顿加盟白鹿巷后,一直为伤病所困扰,导致他的职业生涯举步维艰。The Welshman has endured a difficult time since arriving at White Hart Lane from Southampton in 2007, with a series of injuries hampering his progress.

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曼联的球迷依旧在高声歌唱着,不过不止是对不知疲倦的威尔士人又一次为曼联出战。Mercifully for United time is still waiting and the songs are not just for what the indefatigable Welshman has accomplished for the club in days gone by.

令人震惊的是,从担架上爬起来后,这个威尔士人与中国官员发生冲突,而后者试图在颁奖仪式上粗暴对待大卫·戴维斯。Astonishingly, minutes after climbing from the stretcher the Welshman was involved in a bust-up with Chinese officials trying to man-handle him towards the medal ceremony.

许多支持者认为贝拉米表现的非常活跃,他们认为状态火热的威尔士人该得到一个首发席位。Several supporters believe that Bellamy has been particularly lively when called upon this season and that the fiery Welshman should now be handed a regular starting spot.