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面谈官就问了我几个问题。The consular officer just asked me a couple of questions.

第十条领事邮袋不得开拆或者扣留。Article 10 The consular bag shall not be opened or detained.

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我们的领事官必须书面说明拒签原因。Our consular officers are required to give the reason in writing.

第十条领事邮袋不得开拆或者扣留。Article 10. The consular bag shall be neither opened nor detained.

第十三条领事官员的寓所不受侵犯。Article 13. The residence of a consular officer shall be inviolable.

们会帮助们准备美国领事馆面签?Will you help us prepare for our interview at the US Consular Office?

领馆工作人员还会获取你的照片和指纹。A consular official will also take your picture and your fingerprints.

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印度尼西亚领事在达沃市,马来西亚领事在三宝颜市。Consul of Indonesia in Davao City, Malaysia Consular at the Zamboanga City.

我也不知道。面谈官就问了我几个问题。B. I have no idea. The consular officer just asked me a couple of questions.

在美国办理报关手续需要四份领事发票。Entry into the United States would require consular invoice in quadruplicate.

第六条领馆的档案和文件不受侵犯。Article 6 The archives and documents of the consular post shall be inviolable.

领事发票是进口国领事馆签发的一种申报书。Consular invoices are declarations made at the consulate of the importing country.

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记住领事官员不能现金支票,借钱或作为您的律师。Remember consular officers cannot cash checks, lend money or serve as your attorney.

签证费必须以人民币支付,以使馆汇率为准。The fees have to be paid in Renminbi according to the relevant consular exchange rate.

下一步我们将密切关注局势发展,继续做好领事保护工作。We will continue to follow the situation closely and provide good consular protection.

领事官可要求其他申请人也填写此表格。Consular officers can request that this form be filled out by other applicants as well.

在别的地方,用国务院的话来说,领事馆的任务是搭桥。In other places the consular task was, in the State Department phrase, bridge-building.

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要是在几年前,这件事情可能被悄无声息地被归为领事事务,但这次不一样。A few years ago this might have been sorted out quietly as a consular issue. Not this time.

至于去泰国旅游有什么提醒,希望大家留意外交部网站的领事服务栏目。As to the travel alert, please follow the column of consular service on our official website.

中国必须建立开放的、多元的、学习型的领事人员管理机制。China must establish an open, pluralistic, learning-oriented mechanism for consular officers.