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棕褐色液体,主要由苯酚,甲酚和二甲酚等组成。Brown liquid , mainly consist of phenol , cresol and xylenol etc.

苯酚和甲酚异构体在液晶PBOB填充柱上分离良好。Phenol and cresol isomers could be well separated in liquid crystal PBOB packed column.

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介绍了莱钢泰东公司混合甲酚精制提纯的工艺改造情况。The technological reform of mixed cresol refining and purification in the Taidong Co. , Ltd is presented.

苯酚和间甲酚都是生物毒性物质,即使在低浓度下对生物也有毒害作用。The most prominent phenolic compounds in pollution are phenol and cresol. Phenol and m-cresol both are hazardous materials.

阐述了对甲酚催化氧化法合成对羟基苯甲醛的制备及分离工艺研究进展和发展趋势。In this paper, the research progress on preparation and separation ofp hydrobenzaldehyde by p cresol is discussed in details.

比较了不同固定液的填充柱和毛细管柱对间、对甲酚甲醚异构体的分离效果。The separation of meta- and para- methyl cresol ether using six type of packed and fused silica capillary columns is compared.

对用蓖麻油生产癸二酸过程中产生的甲酚废水的各种处理方法进行了评述。The treatment processes of acidic wastewater containing cresol from the production of sebacic acid from castor oil are reviewed in this paper.

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本文以间苯二酚、间甲酚、混合甲酚为原料,与甲醛在碱性条件下经溶胶—凝胶过程、超临界干燥得到气凝胶。In this paper aerogels were obtained through sol -gel process of resorcinol, m-cresol and cresol mixture and substantially supercritical fluid drying.

以甲酚钠和氧氯化磷为原料,在相催化剂的作用下,合成三甲苯磷酸酯。Tricresylphosphate was synthesized under the function of phase transfer catalyst, based on the raw materials of sodium cresol and phosphorus oxychloride.

本文介绍了测定甲酚皂溶液中甲酚含量及品质的气相色谱法,并将此方法和药典法进行了比较。This treatise is on subject of determinations of cresol content and its quality by G. C. The writers had made comparison between this way and China Pharmacopoeia's.

以对甲酚为原料经溴化、水解、甲氧基化和甲基化4步反应合成药物中间体3,4,5-三甲氧基苯甲醛,总收率达53。The 3,4,5 trimethoxybenzaldehyde is synthesized from p cresol in four steps of bromination, hydrolyzation, methoxylation, and methylation, with an overall yield of 53.