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安娜·霍利甘在海牙报道。Anna Holligan reports from The Hague.

但现在它们已是既成事实,”黑格说。But they are now a fact, " Hague added.

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所以说一个可能就是他被送往海牙。So one option would be send him to The Hague.

鹿特丹海牙机场距离酒店仅有15分钟车程。Rotterdam The Hague Airport is a 15-minute drive away.

海牙规定也负责收养机构的资信。The Hague rules also govern the agencies’ accreditation.

荷兰队还将在海牙受到贝娅特丽克丝女王的接见。The team will also meet with Queen Beatrix in the Hague.

就在这同一天,他们把米洛谢维奇送到海牙去受审。That was the day they sent Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague.

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小学毕业后我去了多尔顿学府,也在海牙。After primary school I went to the Dalton Lyceum, also in The Hague.

了解真实的黑格很重要,因为他本人就很重要。Understanding the real Mr Hague is important because he is important.

在经历喧嚣扰攘的鹿特丹之后,我们可以在海牙这里放松一下了。After the hustle and bustle of Rotterdam, we can relax here in The Hague.

这项判决是由海牙的一个仲裁法院定的。The order came from an arbitration court in the Hague. Greg Morsbach reports.

外交大臣黑格、财政大臣奥斯本也分别访华。Foreign Secretary William Hague and Chancellor George O orne both visited China.

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韦沃达预计,卡拉季奇可能在几天内就被送往海牙。Ivan Vejvoda in Belgrade expects Karadzic will be sent to the Hague within days.

卡拉季奇星期四首次在海牙的联合国特别法庭现身。Karadzic appeared for the first time Thursday at the U.N. Tribunal in The Hague.

萨达姆应该在海牙被订购在联合国的战争犯罪法官席前的审判。Saddam should be sent for trial before the UN's war crimes tribunal at the Hague.

但让更多的国家签署海牙公约也许能有所帮助。But getting more countries to sign up to The Hague Convention would probably help.

为纪念庆祝七十岁生日,海地市立博物馆为其举办第一次作品回顾展。First retrospective to mark his seventieth birthday in the Gemeentemuseum The Hague.

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他既不选择可耻的还外流亡生涯,也不愿意投降接受海牙国际战犯法庭的审判。Not for him an ignominious exile or surrendering to a war-crimes trial in the Hague.

他的首展于布鲁塞尔、鹿特丹、阿姆斯特丹及海牙展出。First exhibition devoted to him in Brussels, then Rotterdam, Amsterdam and The Hague.

荷兰西南部一城市,位于莱因河-默兹河的三角洲地带,在海牙东南以南。A city of southwest Netherlands on the Rhine- Meuse delta south-southeast of The Hague.