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病人对护士说起胡话来。The patient began to rave incoherently at the nurses.

那人一边挥动着拳头,一边语无论次地说。The man shook his fist, as he uttered these words incoherently.

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你听到一个老妇人无条理地大喊大叫,你冲了进去发现它在冒烟。When you hear an old woman shouting incoherently , you charge inside and discover it's smoke.

最近发现某某人很爱乱说话,甚至语无伦次。Recently discovered that somebody likes speaking at a venture very much, even speaks incoherently.

段董树一开始还能够行走活动,但全身上下不停地冒着冷汗,说话显得有些语无伦次。Dong beginning of the tree can also walk activities, but keep their body from fate, seemed to speak incoherently.

我记得一个同伴把枪扔了然后轱辘到车底下去了,一个开始语无伦次地大喊大叫,另一个则还坐在那点着烟,呆若木鸡。One guy just started yelling incoherently. Another was sitting there smoking a cigarette and he didn't move at all.

介绍了一种新的非相干分布源的2D-DOA与角度扩展估计方法。Thus such separation realizes separable estimations of 2D-DOA and angular spread for incoherently distributed sources.

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同时,他口齿不清地谈到了他的母亲,谈到了阳光灿烂的加利福尼亚,一级在橘树和花丛中的家园。He also babbled incoherently of his mother, of sunny southen california, and a home among the orange groves and flowers.

他还语无伦次的谈到他的母亲,谈到阳光明媚的南加利福尼亚,还有橘林和花丛围绕的家园。He also babbled incoherently of his mother, of sunny Southern California, and a home among the orange groves and flowers.

给他灌下去,他的确睁开眼看了看,可是待了一会儿又睡着了,嘴里唧唧咕咕的不晓得说了些什么。She poured this brew down Xiangzi's throat and he did indeed open his eyes, but soon he fell asleep again, mumbling incoherently.

同时,他口齿不清地谈到了他的母亲,谈到了阳光灿烂的加利福尼亚,以及在橘树和花丛中的家园。He also babbled incoherently of his mother, of sunny southen california, ralph lauren pas cher, and a home among the orange groves and flowers.

在该方法中,一束双环形状的径向偏振光和一束单环形状的角向偏振光被非相干地叠加到一起形成复合光束。In this method, a double-ring-shaped radially polarized beam and a single-ring-shaped azimuthally polarized beam are incoherently superimposed.

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我发疯般的跑回家。碰巧爸爸也在家,我语无伦次得告诉他刚才发生的事情。爸爸立刻打电话叫来主教让他把娃娃拿走。I ran home. My dad was at home in that time. I told him what have happened incoherently. Dad called bishop quickly for asking him brought the doll away.

我发疯般的跑回家。碰巧爸爸也在家,我语无伦次得告诉他刚才发生的事情。爸爸立刻打电话叫来主教让他把娃娃拿走。I crazily rushed home . by chance dad was in, I incoherently told him the story happened just now . He immediately called the bishop to carry the doll away.

我发疯般的跑回家。碰巧爸爸也在家,我语无伦次得告诉他刚才发生的事情。爸爸立刻打电话叫来主教让他把娃娃拿走。I ran to home crazily. Dad was there accidently, too. I told him incoherently what happened just then. Dad immediately called the priest to take the doll away.

变得不再语无伦次了,还学会了如何做一个有教养有气质的人,虽然还没做到,但要加油。Is not it speak incoherently no longer to become , learn how to become an educated person who has good manners yet, though has not accomplished yet, should refueled.

预言了亮-亮,暗-暗和亮-暗非相干耦合空间孤子对可存在于中心对称光折变介质中。Incoherently coupled dark-dark , bright-bright and bright-dark screening soliton pairs in centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals are possible due photorefractive effect.

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但大部分时候,他们含糊不清地自言自语,“随意地爆发出一阵无意识的,失控的笑声”且“任何事都显得无关紧要。”But mostly they babble incoherently to themselves, bursting “into mindless and uncontrollable laughter at random moments” and “not necessarily about anything in particular.”

此时我已语无伦次,今天是我职业生涯中经历的最梦幻的时刻,也是我的巅峰,我要感谢球迷的支持。This time I have spoken incoherently , today is the most illusion time which in my professional profession experiences, is also my mountain peak, I must thank fan's support.

本文分析了抽样成像系统的OTF,并讨论了与透镜OTF的非相干耦合问题,同时提出了一种新的测量CCD的MTF的方法。This paper analyses the concept of OTF in sampled imaging system, discusses the problem incoherently coupled with OTF of lens and describes a new method for measuring MTF of CCD.