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是覆盖范围吗?Is it the coverage?

扩大了工伤保险适用范围。Insurance coverage expanded.

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Cobertura测试覆盖率工具。Cobertura test coverage tasks.

但他抱怨的媒体的报道。But he complained about the coverage.

您保了事故责任险的。You have accident liability coverage.

为什么在您看来覆盖性非常必要呢?Why do you think coverage is essential?

怎样区别作用范围和变体?How to distinguish coverage and variation?

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第四章讨论中国存款保险制度的保险费率问题。The Chapter 3 studies the coverage of DIS.

隐性采访是新闻采访的一种特殊手段。Covert coverage is a special news coverage.

结果新闻报道往往平淡无味。As a result news coverage tends to be bland.

鼓励媒体报道任务组的工作。Encourage media coverage of the task forces.

而在南欧,这些社会救助的覆盖面是不完全的。In southern Europe the coverage is patchier.

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我们可以把它作为专题报道的一部分。We could include it as part of our coverage.

中国中央电视台的覆盖范围比任何台都广。CCTV has a greater coverage than any station.

投保的险别为水渍险加破碎险。The coverage is W.P.A. plus Risk of Breakage.

此事件在新闻中得到了大篇幅的报导。The story got extensive coverage on the news.

我同时还使用棒状额外再涂一层。I use a solid stick over it for extra coverage.

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此外,有些工具会报告分支覆盖。In addition, some tools report branch coverage.

中继站是用来扩展系统的覆盖范围。Repeater is used for expanding system coverage.

第二,它的覆盖面有一些漏洞。Secondly, there are some holes in its coverage.