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被分配指派到工段养路班的劳工。a laborer assigned to a section gang.

我曾经是一位酒仓库的小工。I used to be a laborer in a liquor warehouse.

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在印度维沙卡帕特南工作的一名合同工。A contract laborer works in Vishakapatnam, India.

任何一个普通人都买的起一个便宜的尼龙包。Any common laborer can afford a cheap nylon satchel.

他做着日薪工人赚钱读完大学。He worked his way through university as a day laborer.

油烟味充斥的小棚里坐满了劳累一天的打工仔。Fume smell filled shed filled with a tiring day laborer.

“民工荒”问题背后隐藏着深层次原因。The problem of "peasant laborer shortage" has its deep causes.

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几百年前,晒黑的皮肤是暴露劳工身份的标记。A hundred years ago a suntan was the telltale mark of a laborer.

他起先在一个食品批发部门做工人。He started working as a laborer at a state-owned food wholesaler.

我也知道,在你赶来时,有一位劳工与你擦身而过。I see, too, some laborer pushed up against you as you came along.

他试过很多谋生之道,最后他做了农场工人。He tried many ways of earning in the end he became a farm laborer.

无奈之下,他只能从推销员做起,甚至干过民工。But under, he can be made from bagman only, had done a laborer even.

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我哥哥有一份暑期工作,是在一建筑工程中当一个领日薪的工人。My brother had a summer job as a day laborer on a construction project.

童工,在解放前一直像奴隶般地干活。Comrade Li became a child laborer at10 and slaved away until liberation.

想知道“一天”的价值,问一个拖家带口的劳工。To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer with kids to feed.

经营管理劳动者是先进生产力的人格化代表。Management laborer is the anthropomorphize delegate of advanced productivity.

他来到了比尤利的农场,把看管病牛的工人找了来。Arriving at Bewlie's farm, he called for the laborer in charge of the sick cow.

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而甲骨文不过是一位在闷热的工厂里将她的时装设计缝合在一起的苦力而已。Oracle was the laborer left stitching together her designs in a stuffy factory.

我听说过一个故事,一个人干了50年包身工。I heard one story where a man had been working as a bonded laborer for 50 years.

劳者有其股只不过是劳动者分享经济剩余的形式之一。Laborer with his own share is only one forms of the laborer sharing the surplus.