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谁能照亮一片黑暗而泥泞的天空?Can one illuminate a black and miry sky ?

我现在有两个,照亮我的电脑桌。I now have two that illuminate my computer desk.

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色灯在黑暗中点亮了这座桥。Coloured lights illuminate the bridge after dark.

投光灯可以照亮雕塑和喷泉。Spotlights can illuminate sculpture and fountains.

具有加热功能,及可加光照明。With heating function, and add light to illuminate.

也许一个热心的印刷达人在评论里告诉我们的。Maybe a kind typophile might illuminate us in the comments

顺应着照明替代产品的时尚趋势。Adjust to illuminate to act for the vogue trend of product.

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发光氨,就像一个照明物。我明白了,它是如何工作的?Luminol, as in illuminate. I get it. So how does luminol work?

巨大的篝火照亮家族成员们开心的面孔。The huge bonfires illuminate the happy faces of the clan members.

安吉拉·扬森发明的轻轻漂浮着照明的灯。Amazing lamp created by Angela Jansen will levitate and illuminate.

但诗歌的点点星光将永远照亮我的心灵。But the poetry spot spot star light forever will illuminate my mind.

圣诞装饰灯照亮西班牙巴塞罗那的对角大街。Christmas lights illuminate the Diagonal Avenue in Barcelona, Spain.

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如图所示,烛光照亮了该寺庙的其中一个巨大的颂诗礼堂。Here, candles illuminate one of the giant building's chanting halls.

粉色凯迪拉克的车头灯会照亮我们这座南方城市的夜晚。The warm glow of pink Cadillacs will illuminate our Southern nights.

月,可以照亮枕边的梦寐,却编织不了倾城的繁华。Month, can illuminate pillow dream weaving, but not the bustling city.

最后两个问题阐明了这个国家面对灾难时的弱点。Two final problems illuminate the nation's vulnerability to disasters.

灯油被火烧尽,则是基于它燃烧自己照亮别人的特性。The oil of lamp is worn out because it burns itself to illuminate other.

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我们用探照灯照射敌机为的是向其射击。We illuminate the enemy plane with searchlights in order to shoot at it.

王长田命令取消营救计划,贾小枪不同意。Illuminate of command to cancel the rescue plan, jia small gun dont agree.

第2章中对卫星地球站的设计方案进行了介绍。In chapter 2, we illuminate the design scheme for satellite earth slat ion.