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我站在旁边仍然在望着连翘。I was standing next to the forsythia is still looking at.

长绿植物,如杜鹃和连翘,年年开花。Perennials like the azalea and forsythia bloom year after year.

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多年生的植物如杜鹃、连翘一年接一年地开花。Perennials like the azalea and forsythia bloom year after year.

近看,连翘花是四个瓣的,每个瓣像是一个小飞镖。Near view, forsythia flowers are four flaps, each flap like a little dart.

妈妈正在花园里面种植一些白色小的连翘。Mama is down there planting something small and white over by the forsythia.

它们有梅花、溲疏、锦带花、悬钩子、连翘和风箱果。These include philadelphus, deutzia, weigela, rubus, forsythia and physocarpus.

翘具有清热去火、消肿散结的功效。The weeping forsythia has the effect of clearing away heat, and reducing swelling.

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目的研究连翘叶中苷类成分提取工艺的最佳方案。Objective To Study the suitable extraction methods of glycosides from Forsythia suspense leaves.

“连翘”花意喻着朴实、素雅、谦虚、谨慎、默默无闻、甘于奉献的精神。" Flower of Forsythia" means the simple, but elegant, modest, cautious, unknown to the public, dedication.

研究了连翘叶茶对小鼠非特异性免疫及应激作用的影响。A study of the immunological function and antistress of Forsythia Suspensa leaves tea on mice is conducted.

人们会看到连翘灌木开黄花,那是春天到来的标志之一,于是就决定种一株。They might see the yellow blooms on a forsythia bush, one of the first signs of spring, and decide to plant one.

街心公园连翘花吹起金黄的小喇叭,广场里,千姿百态的风筝与白云戏耍,一切都是那么静谥。Forsythia flower park blows the golden horn, square, various kite and baiyun mountain, everything is so quiet Shi.

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他们可能看到一株连翘上开出黄色的花朵——这是春天到来的最初迹象——然后决定种植连翘。They might see the yellow blooms on a forsythia bush -- one of the first signs of spring -- and decide to plant one.

以丁香、连翘和榆叶梅为材料,研究了3种花灌木的萌生能力。The sprouting ability of 3 flowering shrub species, Syringa oblate, Forsythia suspense and Prunus triloba were studied.

那年春天,就是在草坪里第一丛紫罗兰和突然盛开的鲜艳连翘出现后,爷爷得了中风。It was right after the first rush of purple violets in the lawns and the sudden blaze of forsythia that spring that Grandpa had a stroke.

“那莳花叫连翘花,在半山坡上有许多呢!”兔母亲说,“走,我跟你一块找去!”"That's called forsythia flower planting flowers in the hillside there are a lot of it! " Rabbit mother said, "Go, I told you to go find one! "

乙醇提取连翘叶中的抗氧化物质,以猪油为底物,用烘箱储藏法测定抗氧化活性。The Extracts of the leaves of Forsythia were got by ethanol. The activities of oxidation resistance of the extracts were measured by Lard as substrates.

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研究了金钟花叶片色素的提取条件,并测定各种因素对该色素稳定性的影响。The conditions for pigment extraction in the leaves of Forsythia Viridissima flower were studied, and the factors on the stability of the pigment were tested.

方法采用甲醇索氏提取,中性氧化铝柱层析分离纯化、高效液相色谱法测定连翘中连翘苷含量。METHODS The content of phillyrin in forsythia was determinated by using Soxhlet extractor with methanol, separation and purification with the neutral aluminum oxide column and HPLC method.