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逐字翻译不一定最接近原义。He made a literal interpretation.

又一次强调了字面意思的一天。This re-emphasizes a literal day.

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跟茶叶一起泡澡,加倍回甘!Soak in a literal bath of herbal tea.

但注意一下他所说的字面是什么意思。But now notice what he means by literal.

这个字的原义是什么?。What is the literal meaning of the word?

为什么不直接插入一个空格字符?why not just insert a space as a literal?

您也可以从一个脚本中增加一个文字到一个数据池中。You can also add a literal from a script to a datapool.

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只是我们的一字一板的解读方式确实是个问题。Our literal interpretations, however, can be problematic.

接下来是字节“B”,仍然原封未动,故而照原样解码。The next byte B, is literal also, so it is decoded as is.

命题的宾语可以是资源或者文字。The object of a statement can be a resource or a literal.

在这个例子里,我们传入这样的一个字面函数。In this case, we passed in the following function literal.

第四章主要是隐逸传的文学价值的探讨。Chapter 4 mainly explored literal values of the biographies.

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注意本例中的这些文字值是动态的。Note that these are dynamic, literal values in this example.

这不是替代,你并没有进行替换,它是遵循原义的。That's not vicarious. You're not substituting. It's literal.

我害怕把圣经作为神话或历史来阅读将会彻底的使基督教远离我们的社会。A literal reading of the Bible alienates much of our society.

假如我们看一个古希腊语所创作的故事,世界原本是混沌不清的。Did the Greeks think of this creation story as literal truth?

引言人们经常讨论直译和意译。People often discuss literal translation and free translation.

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这些文字值决定了比较的数据类型。These literal values determine the data type of the comparison.

他毫不迟疑地进行了文字系数项的相减。He did not hesitate to subtract terms with literal coefficients.

在转义了操作符后,它将像所有其他文字一样进行匹配。After you escape the operator, it matches like any other literal.