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滑铁卢是什么?What is Waterloo?

他共画了几张滑铁卢桥呀?Waterloo Bridge, London, at Dusk.

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滑铁卢战争是个谜。The battle of Waterloo is an enigma.

我可以从滑多铁卢以南安普敦去吗?Can I to from Waterloo to Southampton?

于是我搭出租车去了滑铁卢车站。So, I took a taxi to Waterloo station.

①那是滑铁卢战场上的纪念墩,墩上有个铜狮子,是英普联军在击溃拿破仑后建立的。He was on the battle-field of Waterloo.

滑铁卢是神权的伥鬼。Waterloo bears divine right on its crupper.

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滑铁卢是十九世纪的关键。Waterloo is the hinge of the nineteenth century.

滑铁卢正是拿破仑被打败的地方。Waterloo was where Napolean was finally defeated.

我们认为滑铁卢只是自由骇然惊异的日子。To us, Waterloo is but the stupefied date of liberty.

德铭特还认为医保就是奥巴马的“滑铁卢”。Mr DeMint says that health care is Mr Obama’s Waterloo.

画家描绘了滑铁卢战役中的拿破仑。The painter depicted Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.

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我摸了摸雪梨,滑嫩嫩,水灵灵,仿佛一个小足球。I touched Sydney, Waterloo , water like a small football.

拿破伦在滑铁卢之役与威灵顿会战。Napoleon encountered Wellington in the Battle of Waterloo.

这座房子是滑铁卢战役纪念馆。The building is a commemoration of the battle of Waterloo.

双方于1815年6月18日在比利时的滑铁卢交战。The two sides met at Waterloo in Belgium on June 18, 1815.

让我们平心静气,从两方面来谈谈滑铁卢吧。Let us, therefore, speak of Waterloo coldly from both sides.

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在奥斯特里茨心情烦闷的那个人,在滑铁卢却是愉快的。The man who had been gloomy at Austerlitz was gay at Waterloo.

极大的右的黑影投射在滑铁卢了。The shadow of an enormous right is projected athwart Waterloo.

以宠物服装、窝笼、玩具、绳带等主。To pet clothes, Waterloo cages, toys, string, such as the main.