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是的,它属于乌龙茶类。Yes, it belongs to oolong genera.

这些动物分成五个属。These animals are distributed into five genera.

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共捕获蝇类16883只,隶属6属7种,其优势种丝光绿蝇占71。These 16883 flies were identified to 6 genera 7 species.

单型属就是指那些只包括一个种的属。Monotypic genera are those which contain only one species.

共记录到步甲19个种,分隶于8个属。The community consists of 19 species belonging to 8 genera.

形成芽孢的细菌主要有两属。There are two important genera of bacteria which form spores.

新疆阿魏属及其相近属间的分类学研究。The taxonomic studies on Xinjiang Ferula and its close genera.

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结果表明,宁夏大学馆藏半翅目昆虫共有11科、44属、59种。There are 59 species that belong to 44 genera and 11 families.

结果在河北省发现厕蝇科昆虫1属12种。Results 12 species, 1 genera were recognized in Hebei province.

每株向日葵、都有属于自己的阳光。Every plant to date, have genera in kwai myself from Yang light.

中国伞形科特有属的区系分析。The floristic analysis of endemic genera in Chinese Umbelliferae.

经过老一辈植物专家几十年的采集、研究,先后发表了17科34属49种模式标本。There are 49 species of type specimens in 34 genera of 17 families.

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共发现浮游植物46属55种,其中种类最多的是绿藻和硅藻。A total of 46 genera and 55 species planktonic samples were observed.

蜂斗菜与款冬则是菊科不同属的两种植物。Butterbur and coltsfoot belong to two different genera of Compositae.

一组相互关系紧密的不同属植物构成的一个分类级别。Tribe A taxonomic rank consisting of a group of closely related genera.

发展应用于甘蔗属的基因链锁图。Development of a genetic linkage map applicable to the saccharum genera.

结果在河北省发现秽蝇亚科昆虫44种,隶属于3族7属。Results 44 species, 3 races, 7 genera were recognized in Hebei province.

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相对科而言,属的区系分化中心高值区域更为明显。Compared with families, the centers of genera differentiation were obvious.

一种其他木本植物,如鹅耳枥属和假山毛榉属。Any of several other woody plants, as in the genera Carpinus and Nothofagus.

地处滇中南的景东无量山地区迄今计有种子植物207科,1026属,2540种。There are 2540 species in 1026 genera and 207 families of seed plants in Mt.