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她是一朵小花。She is a floret.

小花是否盛开?Did the floret bloom?

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胡济祥喝醉了酒,小花送他回去。Hu Jixiang drunk, floret sent him home.

小花狗淘气的一摇一摇地走出来。Floret of a naughty dog shake a shake to come out.

小花几个人在房间里静静等候消息。Floret few people in the room quietly waiting for news.

小花准备去和它的哥哥姐姐们告别了。Floret is going to go and its brothers and sisters said goodbye.

薰衣草是一种馥郁的紫蓝色的小花。The aspic is one kind of strongly fragrant purple blue color floret.

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胡济祥是第一次和女人发生关系,对小花深信不疑。Hu Jixiang is the first time in a relationship and women, the floret.

金鱼草,蒲包花和翠雀花的小花迅速脱落。Snapdragons, calceolaria and larkspur will drop their floret rapidly.

每个花具4枚被片和4枚雄蕊,每个雄蕊具4个药囊。A floret had 4 tepals and 4 stamens, and each stamen had 4 pollen sacs.

熏衣草是一种馥郁的紫蓝色的小花。The lavandula spica is one kind of strongly fragrant indigo blue floret.

雌蕊原基由小花原基的中央部分直接发育而成。The central part of the floret primordium changes directly into gynoecium.

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雌雄蕊的发育与小花花冠分化同时进行。The differentiation of stamen and gynoecium accompanied that of floret crown.

小花映红了我的笑脸,蹦床蹦出了朵朵浪花。The floret reflected the red my smiling face, the recreation bouncer jumped a spray.

花的被片比雄蕊发育的要早,均由花原基发育而成。The tepals were developed earlier than the stamens, both from the floret primordium.

他那没门的嘴非坏事不可。小花和大花,也不行!His mouth without doors the non-bad things can not be. floret and large flowers, not OK!

可以利用活动积温预测小花发育阶段。Therefore, we could discriminate the floret development stages more directly and precisely.

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而顶小穗形成之后,激素直接调节小花的发育。But fertile floret number is directly regulated by hormones after the top spikelet formation.

我咬了咬牙,飞奔向躺在地上的小花,把她扶了起来。I bit to grind teeth, dashed away toward the floret that lies on the ground and handed her to get up.

晚上胡济祥约小花去吃西餐,说自己想娶她,小花当然是答应了胡济祥。Night Hu Jixiang floret to eat western food, said he wanted to marry her, floret agreed Hu Jixiang, of course.