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他在国外度过没有搞头一年。He spent an unprofitable year abroad.

报道说,鲲鹏航空没有实现盈利。The report said the carrier was unprofitable.

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只有当这个行当赚不到什么钱了,它才会停止。And only when it becomes unprofitable will it stop.

这个世界几曾这样单调、郁闷、无聊过?Was ever such a dreary, dismal, unprofitable world?

决非如此——害死用户完全无利可图!Not at all—it is very unprofitable to kill customers!

早期殖民历险无一例外地无利可图。Without exception, the earliest colonial ventures were unprofitable.

无益的仆人的寓言,才能的寓言。the parable of the unprofitable servant, the parable of the talents.

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汽车保险公司可能会认为提出索赔的次数过多会让他们无利。Car insurance companies may consider a high volume of claims as unprofitable.

损害是权利和法益受损的一种不利益状态。Harm is a kind of unprofitable state of which right and law have been impaired.

因此,他们吸收的新客户越多,银行就变得越不盈利!Thus, the more new customers they signed up the more unprofitable the bank became!

受感染的香蕉们将会迅速腐烂成一堆堆无利可图的杂草。Affected crops would soon deteriorate into rotting piles of unprofitable vegetation.

无益的雄辩犹如高大的柏树,不会结果。Unprofitable eloquence is like the cypress,which is great and tall,but bears no fruit.

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企业家不能因为没有利润就关闭或者出售企业。The businessman cannot close down his factory or shop because he finds it unprofitable.

无益的口才如高大伟岸的柏树不结果。Unprofitable eloquence is like the cypress which is great and tall, but bears no fruit.

无益雄辩不济事,犹如柏树参天不结果。Unprofitable eloquence is like the cypress, which is GREat and tall, but bears no fruit.

旅馆无利可图,永远濒于绝境,他但愿自己能脱却干系。The hotel was unprofitable and forever on the edge of failure and he wished himself out of it.

尽管进行了两轮裁员,雅虎仍需进一步压缩成本,摒弃不盈利的业务部门。In spite of two rounds of redundancies, more costs need to come out, with unprofitable units binned.

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再说一遍,你可以把人生看作是一段无利可图的戏剧,打扰了虚空中的沉寂和宁静。Again, you may look upon life as an unprofitable episode, disturbing the blessed calm of non-existence.

但海力士净损远高于预期,反映关闭美国一座厂房的一次性因素.Hynix's net loss was much worse than expected as it reflected the cost of closing its unprofitable U.S. plant.

虽然每日的交易适用于一些情形,很多生意人会发现交易会出现没有利润的情况。Although daily deals can work for a few categories, many business owners will find that deals are unprofitable.