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他的几句话使我的所有努力白费了。His remarks snagged all my efforts.

没人告诉她,她的裙子钩在钉子上了。No man told her that her skirt snagged on a nail.

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她与一位伴娘各抢到一份优惠套餐。She and a bridesmaid each snagged the two-for-one deal.

一切顺利,那天躲过了多少危险,可斗篷给导弹尾翼挂住。All was well, another day saved when his cape snagged on a missile fin.

她的皮肤黝黑,如果被尖锐的东西弄破,就会像李子皮一样剥落下来。Her skin was a rich black that would have peeled like a plum if snagged.

到这个星期为止,绝大部分人都买到了回家的站票。By this week, most of those lucky enough to have snagged tickets home were already gone.

一年前,刘翔夺得日本大阪世界锦标赛金牌,用时12秒95。A year ago, Liu snagged the gold at the world championships in Osaka, Japan, in 12.95 seconds.

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她的皮肤黝黑发亮,让人觉得,要是她的皮肤被什么东西刮破了,就会像李子皮一样剥落下来。Her skin was a rich black, creating the impression that it would peel off like a plum if snagged.

一天,有个年轻的女子,在下班开车回家的路上不小心与另外一辆车发生了碰撞,结果,她的车挡泥板被撞坏了。A young woman was driving home from work when she snagged her fender on the bumper of another car.

昆虫对于大多数青蛙老说是主食,这只年轻的牛蛙就正在津津有味的咀嚼一只新鲜美味的蜻蜓。Insects are a staple for most frogs, like this young bullfrog munching on a freshly snagged dragonfly.

网络服务公司称联邦调查局要求删除该帖,但该名为“冒烟的枪”的站点早已择机发布了该帖。The Web site says the FBI requested the removal, but The Smoking Gun had already snagged and posted it.

之后她登上了电视,在一档真人秀节目中找了两个人做她的男友。She later appeared on billboards and then snagged a reality show with two actors posing as her boyfriend.

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椅腿钩破地毯,那蛇抬起它那丑恶的三角头,发出轻轻的嘶嘶声。The snake lifted its ugly triangular head and hissed slightly as the legs of the chair snagged on its rug.

他从旁边木餐盘里拣起一颗滴着棕色肉汁的烤洋葱,一口咬将下去,发出松脆的喀嚓声响。He snagged a roasted onion, dripping brown with gravy, from a nearby trencher and bit into it. It crunched.

我会因为上述的理由而变得焦躁,并总是再回到之前的状态来确认我当初的选择是否是我内心中最想要的。I get snagged by this one and always have to step back to make sure my choices are in alignment with my soul.

突然,其中一架直升飞机的起落架被一个传送塔的支索线绊住挣扎不前。Suddenly one of the helicopters floundered, its landing gear snagged on the guy wire of a transmission tower.

2004年,库克就曾创下57.75秒内输完规定短信的世界纪录,但之后,此纪录很快在当年的6月27日被一名23岁的新加坡女子以43.24秒的成绩超越。Cook in 2004 snagged the world record by texting the official phrase in 57.75 seconds, a record that soon fell.

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想象一下当你沉重的背包总是被荆棘和树枝挂住时,你是多么疲惫和沮丧。Imagine how exhausted and frustrated you'd be as your heavy backpack kept getting snagged in the branches and the vines.

想象一下,你已经精疲力尽,挫败不堪了,你背着沉重的包,吃力的走在荆棘蒺藜之中。Imagine how exhausted and frustrated you’d be as your heavy backpack kept getting snagged in the branches and the vines.

在星期天奥斯卡结束后获得一张由本报的记者给他的理事球赛的票。And on Sunday, one of this newspaper’s actual reporters snagged him a walk-around ticket to the Governors Ball after the Oscars.