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画画或拼图你的悲痛。Draw or collage your grief.

时间的痕迹,生活的拼贴。Imprints of time, collage of life.

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在学院里我主修有机化学。In collage I specialize in organic chemistry.

另一种拼贴画是用老照片。Another version on the collage uses old photographs.

拼贴粘合剂通常胶棒和凝胶介质。Collage adhesives are typically glue sticks and gel mediums.

随着轻快的文字和插图明亮的拼贴,跳!With a lilting text and luminous collage illustrations, HOP!

任意进行图片的拼贴、剪辑和蒙版合成。Arbitrary for the collage images, editing and synthesis Mask.

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在我大学的第一年我参加了一个爱心社。In the first year of my collage I joined in a volunteer club.

使用宝丽莱机创建一个老照片拼贴。Use a Polaroid machine to create a collage with old pictures.

布朗先生正在当地的大学谋求一份教书工作。Mr. Brown is seeking a teaching position at the local collage.

瑞格的作品糅合了20世纪各种绘画风格。Rego's work is a rich collage of 20th-century painting styles.

拼贴画是后现代主义小说中主要的艺术特色之一。Collage is the major artistic feature of post-modernism novels.

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1912年,他们开始做抽象拚贴画和纸贴画。In 1912, they began to experiment with collage and papier collé.

比如说,也许你一直以来都想试试做一个拼贴效果会怎么样。Maybe you’ve been thinking about doing a collage effect, for example.

制作一个拼图,画一幅自画像,摄影,学一道新菜。Make a collage. Do a self-portrait. Take photographs. Try a new recipe.

这张假相片是用来阴谋扰乱约翰·克里总统竞选的诡计。The collage was a dirty trick designed to derail John Kerry’s campaign.

拼贴图片应该提供更大的空间面积,使裁片。Collage images should provide the spacial area to make larger cut pieces.

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你可以在愿望板上贴满你理想中生活的墙纸或者贴画。A vision board can be a wallpaper or collage of everything you want in life.

第12届国际拼贴画交流展正在进行中,直到四月末。The 12th Annual International Collage Exchange is on until the end of April.

在小说中,唐纳德·巴塞尔姆进行了大胆的语言试验,采用了戏仿,拼贴等手段。In the novel Barthelme gave full play to language by using parody and collage.