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懒则衰。Laziness leads to debility.

现代男人站着理亏,躺着肾亏。Modern man station indefensible, lie sexual debility.

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这些多年生牧草能有效地控制土壤侵蚀和养分亏损。These perennial forage can effectively control soil erosion and debility of soil nutrients.

共和国是神经衰弱的天堂,政治家是俯首帖耳于法律的暴君。In a republic that paradise of debility the politician is a petty tyrant who obeys the laws.

这些也能刺激上呼吸道,引起咳嗽、窒息和全身虚弱感。They may also irritate the upper respiratory tract, causing coughing, choking, and general debility.

恶病质,差的体质慢性病患者发生的体重减轻,肌肉疲劳,食欲减退和普遍衰弱的症状。Weight loss, wasting of muscle, loss of appetite, and general debility that can occur during a chronic disease.

糖尿病骨质疏松症属于中医“骨痿”、“骨痹”、“消渴”的范畴。Osteoporosis in diabetes belonged to atrophic debility of bones, rheumatism involving the bone and diabetes in TCM.

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对年老体弱、心肺功能不全或因梗阻引起尿毒症的患者更为安全。It is safer for patients of the aged, debility with cardiopulmonary dysfunction or uremia due to partial obstruction.

灯板使用恒流技术,提供稳定的输出电流,减小衰弱,保证LED的使用寿命。The PCB, used constant current technique, provides stable output current to reduce the debility and guarantee its service life.

可感觉全身衰弱,是作为有过剩毒素的结果,和在这病例有充足睡眠,休息和好的食物是有帮助的。General debility may be felt as a result of the excess toxins, and in such a case plenty of sleep, rest and good food will help.

适用于人流后体虚及病后气虚、体倦乏力、表虚自汗等蔻。Apply to people after deficiency and disease after body tired fatigue debility body deficiency disease such as sweat watch since.

其中,肾精气亏虚、髓海不足是老年性痴呆发病的根本病机,而痰瘀互结、阻滞脑络则是老年性痴呆发病的重要因素。Deficiency of kidney-qi and debility of marrow was the basic pathogenesis and stagnation of phlegm in brain collateral was the important factor.

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近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱、任人宰割的历史。China experienced a period of enduring impoverishment and long-standing debility in its modern history and was for a time at the mercy of other countries.

私有房主“可购性和稳定性计划”仍是帮助苦斗的房主们偿还贷款最大的努力结果。The homeowner of for debility Homeowner Affordability and disability plan Stability Plan is the biggest effort yet to help straggling struggling homeowners.

结论保儿宁口服液是有效治疗小儿体虚自汗,易患感冒,面黄肌瘦,食欲不振的中药制剂。Conclusion Baoerling oral liquid is a effective Chinese medicine agent. To treat the infantile general debility and spontaneous sweat catch cold easily, sallow complexion, poor appetite.

文章从消渴兼证“骨痿”的病因病机、辨证分型、中医治疗等方面加以研究并详细阐述。Atrophic debility of bones, the accompanying symptoms of diabetes was researched and detailed from pathogenic factor, mechanism of disease, syndromes differentiation and treatment of TCM.