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喂,吉姆,梅琳德没事吧?。Hey, jim, is melinda ok?

大约2年的后,民林达生下一个很可爱的宝贝。About 2 years later, Melinda had a lovely child.

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梅琳达基金会说,存钱靠本身是不够的。Melinda Gates says saving by itself isn't enough.

维克走进屋时,梅林达和史蒂夫惊恐地抬起头来。Melinda and Steve looked up fearfully when Veach walked in.

梅琳达盖茨说,她从来没见过她的丈夫像现在这么活跃。Melinda Gates says she's never seen her husband more energized.

比尔和梅琳达会先让他们的先遣队去看看后勤情况。Bill and Melinda will send their own advance team to look at logistics.

盖茨与其妻于2000年建立了比尔暨梅琳达盖兹基金会。He and his wife established the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000.

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比尔和美琳达•盖茨深入参与了审查和构想过程吗?Are Bill and Melinda Gates heavily involved in the vetting and ideas process?

同时,梅林达集安德列相亲的一个优秀的消防员朋友吉姆。Also, Melinda sets Andrea up on a blind date with one of Jims hunky fireman buddies.

“我们主要客户群是带孩子的母亲”,弗雷德·梅耶发言人美琳达·梅丽尔说。"Our main customers are moms with kids," says Fred Meyer spokesperson Melinda Merrill.

微软公司创始人兼比尔与美琳达·盖茨基金会共同主席比尔·盖茨Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

虽然我不常看电视,但梅琳达和我会在每周看许多的电影。Although I watch very few TV shows, Melinda and I see a lot of movies –at least one per week.

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比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会也承诺在未来5年捐助超过10亿美元。The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also promised one billion more over the next five years.

比尔盖茨的夫人梅琳达说过,战胜腐败需要严格的资金审查工作。Melinda Gates said that efforts to combat corruption through careful auditing of funds were working.

在2005年,博诺和比尔和梅琳达*盖茨一道,被提名为时代杂志的年度人物之一。In 2005, Bono, along with Bill and Melinda Gates, was named one of TIME magazine's People of the Year.

作为三个孩子的父母,我和梅琳达花了很多时间阅读和讨论这本书。As the parents of three children, Melinda and I have spent a lot of time reading and discussing this book.

去年年底,比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会发起了一项名为评测有效教学的项目。Late last year, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation launched the Measures of Effective Teaching project.

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专题小组得到全球卫生人力联盟、比尔和梅林达•盖茨基金会以及加拿大国际开发署最初资助金的支持。The Task Force is supported with initial grants from GHWA, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and CIDA.

阿拉巴马州文学艺术中心的负责人梅琳达。伯德-墨菲说,这是一个有关道德的故事。And that is the moral of the story, says Melinda Byrd-Murphy, head of the Alabama Center for Literary Arts.

制订“路线图”是由比尔及梅林达-盖茨基金会和维康基金会发起。The development of the Roadmap was sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust.