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我会唱你喜欢鹅和小牛的壮志凌云。So! I guess I'll be Maverick and you can be Goose.

马弗里克也无法解释他是如何想出了这个词。Maverick could not explain how he made up the word.

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对许多中国人而言,“中国一姐”是一名特立独行者。To many Chinese, "Chinas number one sister" is a maverick.

对许多中国人而言,“中国一姐”是一位特立独行者。To many Chinese, "China's number one sister" is a maverick.

这个独来独往的共和党人一直面临一些来自党内极右势力的严辞批判。The maverick Republican has been facing some harsh rhetoric from the far-right.

如果你认为自己也是一个相同的特立独行的人,那么你也许会引以为傲。Maybe it made you well up with pride if you consider yourself a fellow maverick.

他从没有标新立异的决定,但现在伦农和唐宁都是充满创意的选择。There's been no spark. No maverick choices. Lennon and Downing are both inspired picks.

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布莱克议员是一个真正独行其事的人,但是选民们不断投他的票,推选他到华盛顿去当议员。Congressman Black is a real maverick but the voters keep sending him back to Washington.

某些独立研究科学家们认为,重力和光都是电磁力。Some maverick scientists believe that both gravity and light are electromagnetic forces.

但随着公司的增长,他可能必须决定自己要做一名资本家还是特立独行者。But as his firm grows, he may have to decide whether he is more a capitalist or a maverick.

一个独行其是的研究机构有可能在比赛的终点线战胜政府的庞然大物。It may be that a maverick research organization beats the government behemoths to the finishing line.

有力量,个性,自信,出生牛犊不怕死的性格和十分有趣的人格。Power, strength of character, confidence, a maverick nature and an immensely interesting personality.

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近期的首尔市长选举,一位左翼的,反正统的,如黑马般的候选人在选举中获胜,让人不安。The recent election for mayor of Seoul produced an upset win for a left-wing anti-establishment maverick.

昆德拉的小说以─幅极为新异的形式出现于小说天地并特立独行于世界文坛。Kundera's novel to a very novel form of heaven and earth in the fiction and literary maverick in the world.

幼畜导弹被普遍认为是世界上最好的空面导弹系统之一。Maverick missile is widely recognized as one of the world's most successful air-to-surface missile systems.

多年以来,克尔苏加德一直被认为是一个异类,因为他坚持研究被禁止的通灵术。He had been considered a maverick for years due to his insistence on studying the forbidden arts of necromancy.

在国会山共和党的衣帽间内,这位特例独行的总统候选人与他的党人相互之间表现冷淡。Within Republican cloakrooms on Capitol Hill, the coolness toward their maverick presidential candidate is mutual.

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更急迫的是,还不知道扎尔达里为了从无法捉摸的乔杜里那里自保而采取什么行动。More urgently, it is unclear what ruse Mr Zardari may now attempt to protect himself from the maverick Mr Chaudhry.

她‘特立独行’的时尚态度让我们得到启发,她让我们看到什么叫做敢于尝试以及如何做到更加大胆一点。Her maverick approach to fashion is an inspiration and shows us all how to be a little more daring and experimental.

商界视他为左翼分子,试图通过强加进步税来进行财富的再分配。The business community saw him as a leftist maverick intent on re-distributing wealth by imposing progressive taxes.