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海绿石砂岩是一个稳定的地层单元。The glauconite sandstone is a persistent strati graphic unit.

从地层学上看,它们都属于白垩纪。From the view of strati graphy they all belong to the cretaceous period.

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斯特拉蒂说这幅图是要献给西班牙建筑师安东尼。Strati said the picture is dedicated to Antonio Gaudi, a Spanish architect.

我用了不同的钉子,这些钉子都是工业用钉。The condition was they should be industrial nails and they are, Strati said.

第二种测定法是古磁学分析法,也叫磁极地层学测定法。The second dating method was palaeo-magnetic analysis or magnetic polarity strati graphy.

我用了不同的钉子,这些钉子都是工业用钉。I have used different nails. The condition was they should be industrial nails and they are," Strati said.

我用了不同的钉子,这些钉子都是工业用钉。I have used different nails. The condition was they should be industrial nails and they are, " Strati said.

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层状主矿体中金主要以细小的自然金形式包裹于斑铜矿和黝铜矿中。Gold in strati form major orebody is mainly included in bornite and tetrahedrite as fine grain of native gold.

被这种河谷切割的侵蚀面后来可能成为地层层序中的不整合性。The erosional surface dissected by such valleys may subsequently become an unconformity in the strati graphic sequence.

因为斯特拉蒂创作的达文西画像实在太特别了,所以金氏世界纪录必须为此作品新增一个奖项类别,表扬其成就。The Leonardo portrait Strati made was so unique that Guinness had to create a new category to recognize the achievement.

本文研究了在重力分层、密度陡降的恒星大气中扰动的传播,得到的结果十分不同于绝热假设下推得的结果。In this paper, the propagation of perturbations in the stellar atmosphere strati fied due to gravity with steep density drop is studied.

根据对塔里木盆地露头剖面的层序地层学研究,建立了震旦-泥盆纪古海平面变化曲线。Based on sequence strati graphy work for the outcrops in tarim basin the author sets up the sealevel changes curve of sinian period to devonian period.

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「这件创作是表彰由音乐、阳光与美酒所滋养的地中海精神,」斯特拉蒂在他最新艺术作品揭幕典礼上说。"This work is dedicated to the Mediterranean spirit which is nourished by music, the sun and wine, " Strati said at a ceremony to unveil his latest piece of artwork.