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终于来了,一群傻里傻气的志愿者。At last, a group of people naively offer themselves for the job.

在1980年版,天文天真地签署了自己的马戏团老板。In the 1980 edition, Astro naïvely signed himself away to the circus owner.

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内塔尼亚胡说,需要实现和平,他在为此努力,他真诚,但不天真。Mr. Netanyahu said there is a necessity for peace and he is trying sincerely, but not naively.

保利博士记得,她刚开始作业时的观察报告「缺乏经验和训练」。When she first began her work, she reported her observations " naively , " Dr. Pauly recalled.

“明亮先生和女士”可能并不知道这些灯光给你们带来的困扰。Mr. and Mrs. Brights may naively have no idea of the eyestraining effect they’re having on you.

许多人天真地认为,我们不会耗尽所有的资源,我们必须让这个系统持续运转下去。Many seem to naively believe that we won’t run out of the resources we need to keep this system going.

达西先生很天真地相信只要他把院子变成浓密的树林,他便可以达到碳中和了。Mr. Darcy naively believed that he was carbon neutral as long as he turned the yard into a thick wood.

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然而,许多美国国会议员天真地认为,如果我们简单地扩大覆盖范围,成本控制会自己负责。Yet many in Congress naively think that if we simply expand coverage, cost control will take care of itself.

我们曾经和你一样天真以为这里处处是花园,以为光凭努力,就能触及到理想。We naively believed that here there are only gardens, that we can touch the ideal if only we work hard enough.

一个胖乎乎的白人小女孩,大概十岁吧,一边吸着她的麦根沙士一边天真的望着牙买加妇女。A chubby white girl, about ten years old, naively stares at the Jamaican woman while sipping a root beer float.

晚饭就是那只乌龟——此前我天真地以为它只是被送作宠物——和一盘大犰狳肉。Dinner was the tortoise — which I’d naively assumed had been offered as a pet — and a plate of giant armadillo meat.

那些货运公司,包括轻易相信了科利马克公司的中国货运公司,只能承受这些损失。Those shipping companies, including three Chinese shipping companies, which naively trusted Klimax, bore the losses.

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本拉登天真的相信,西方世界和苏联一样脆弱,而且认为西方世界很容易被打败。Bin Laden naïvely believed that the West was as weak as the Soviet bloc, and thought it could be defeated relatively easily.

微软严重依赖于自己的领头羊产品Windows和Office上,天真地认为PC会永远统治计算市场。Microsoft relied mostly on its bellwethers Windows and Office and naively assumed that PCs would dominate computing forever.

因此,如果我们天真地拒绝不符合单步模型的所有情况,那只会使我们的编辑器毫无用处。Thus, if we naïvely rejected anything which didn't fit into the one-step mold, we would render our collaborative editor all-but useless.

核能,我们要系统地看,不要听风就是雨,像个没见过世面的人。The issue of nuclear power is one that we must examine systematically and carefully, not being naively lead on by hype and current trend.

这种透明性让我们可以观察到潜在的安全威胁并对其进行评估,从而确保我们不会天真地依赖于通过隐藏获得的安全性。This clarity allows you to visualize and thus assess potential threats, and it makes sure you don't naively rely on security by obscurity.

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但是我很愚蠢的选择了一个几乎和你们斯坦福大学一样贵的学校,我父母还处于蓝领阶层,他们几乎把所有积蓄都花在了我的学费上面。But I naively chose a college that was almostas expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parentssavings were being spent on my college tuition.

但是当时我无知选了一所学费几乎跟史丹佛一样贵的大学,我那工人阶级的父母所有积蓄都花在我的学费上。But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition.

但是,我天真地选择了学院的几乎一样昂贵斯坦福大学,和我所有的工薪阶层的家长节省了花费在我的大学学费。But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition.