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“还允许我搭船回家?”他又加上一句,一副鬼精灵的样子。"AND a passage home?" he added with a look of great shrewdness.

我在一霎那间所得的印象,是一个非常精明的知识分子的面孔。My fleeting impression was of an intellectual face of great shrewdness.

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他把高度的精明和温和敦厚的外表结合了起来。He combined consummate shrewdness with the disposition superficially to fraternize.

怀特洛先生是相当精明的,只不过他是娴于人事,而不善于解决争端罢了。Mr. Whitelaw is rather shrewd, but his shrewdness is more about people than about issues.

该书的特点是融高调和机灵的鲜明对照于一身。The characteristic of the book is this combination or rather contrast of high tone and shrewdness.

他带来的效应堪比圣雄甘地,兼具律师的机智和圣贤的理想主义。It was an achievement worthy of Mahatma Gandhi, conducted with the shrewdness of a lawyer and the idealism of a saint.

也许是由于猫看上去狡诈阴险,人们常把它与巫婆或魔鬼联系在一起。It is probably because of its slyness and shrewdness , the cat is often supposed to be connected whit witches and devil.

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两个不同形态的社区和谐共存,尽显荷兰人精打细算与自由开放的个性。The harmonious co-existence of two distinct kinds of communities shows thoroughly the openness and shrewdness of Netherlanders.

我在一霎那所得到的印象,是一个非常精明的知识分子的面孔,可是在好几天里面,我总没有证实这一点的机会。My fleeting impression was of an intellectual face of great shrewdness , but I had no opportunity to verify this for several days.

经理说着脸上闪过一丝不动声色的微笑,透着善意和精明。We'll make her, " and the manager gave one of his quick, steely half-smiles, which was a compound of good-nature and shrewdness ."

尽管意大利俱乐部的水平相对发生了退步,葡萄牙人还是被认为有能力和威信在欧洲获得成功。The Portuguese, regardless of the relative decline of Italian club football, is supposed to have the shrewdness and authority to prosper in Europe.

我不指望可以充分再现其富有生机与活力的风格,他的微妙细腻,以及天才般的机智。I cannot hope to have reproduced adequately all the vigour and force of his style, the subtlety of his distinctions, or the shrewdness of his mother-wit.

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素拉蓬说,目前泰国洪水主要集中在中部沿湄南河各府,包括旅游热地曼谷和大城府。Sulapeng says, at present Thailand flood basically is centered in the river austral mid edge Mei each government office, include travel to heat up ground Bangkok and big shrewdness.

字与字之间的连带不多,偶尔为之,总是生动活泼,灵气毕现,可看出作者在创作时的机警和胆量。There are few conjunctive stokes between characters except for some occasional ones. The characters are always vivid and alert, indicating the author's shrewdness and courage when writing.

蕙蒂突破性的敏捷表演方式,演出没带武器、娇小的老妇担任间谍工作,希区考克真得让这位资深女演员突破旧有窠臼。The role of a disarming little old lady playing a spy was acted with unexpected shrewdness by Whitty but it was Hitchcock who really brought this veteran actress out of her comfortable cocoon.