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但是服务定位器不应包含资源缓存。But the service locator should not include a resource cache.

提供定位器缓存和命令集来提高测试速度Has Locator caching and command bundles to improve test speed

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服务定位器作为集合的形式实现起来要简单的多。It is much simpler for the service locator to be a singleton.

我的第三个实现使用没有缓存的服务定位器。My third implementation used a service locator with no cache.

重载资源名使得服务定位器与其缓存之间变得混乱。So overloaded resource names mess up a service locator and its cache.

如果你想找到离你较近的食物银行,请访问该组织的定位器。To find a food bank near you, visit the organization’s Food Bank Locator.

在计算机绘图技术中,通过在平面上移动进行操作的一种手握的画面定位装置。In computer graphics, a hand-held locator operated by moving it on a flat surface.

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iMapMyRide也拥有一个GPS定位仪让你了解你的车友们。iMapMyRide also has a GPS locator that connects you with your biking friends, too.

我们为Cairngorm提供了一个可配置在IoC容器中的服务定位器。For Cairngorm, we offer a service locator that can be configured in the IoC container.

一般来说,选用熟悉的定位器表达式,并在脚本结构中保持一致。In general, choose familiar locator expressions and be consistent in script structure.

在这里,我们使用飞行节点获得一所鱼学校跟随曲线周围的定位器。Here we use the Flight node to get a school of fish to follow a locator around a curve.

如果是大对象化的值,那么它显示引用实际值的定位符的宽度。If the value is lobified, it shows the size of the locator referencing the actual value.

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最后通过一个工程实例,阐述了它在旧桥检测中的应用。At last, one case about the old bridge test used the rebar locator is described in detail.

最后一步是使用定位程序去整理保留在代码中的可重定位地址。The final step is to use a locator to fix the remainingrelocatable addresses within the code.

最后一步是使用定位程序去整理保留在代码中的可重定位地址。The final step is to use a locator to fix the remaining relocatable addresses within the code.

与呆在救生艇上的人不同的是,我们有一个紧急定位信标,所以海岸警卫队能发现我们。Unlike the guys in the raft, we had an emergency locator beacon so the Coast Guard could find us.

个人定位器制造的目的是为了帮助父母追踪他们的孩子,不论这些孩子在哪里里。The Personal Locator is made to help parents keep track of their children, wherever the children may be.

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而HIP对现有域名空间进行扩展,通过全称域名来命名不同的主机来实现端系统标识符和定位符的分离。HIP expands the existing domain name space, and uses the global name to separate the identifier and locator.

该网站还提供疾病控制预防中心关于预防流感的信息、流感疫苗注射地定位软件以及流感相关新闻等。The site includes CDC flu prevention messages, a flu vaccination locator and links to flu-related news items.

服务定位器实现通常包括资源缓存,以此来避免对相同资源的重复查找。Service locator implementations usually include a resource cache to avoid repeated lookups of the same resource.