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使你的切割锯木店。Make mitre cuts in your wood shop.

在主教广场又发现一个!They found another one in Mitre Square!

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我说,要将洁净的冠冕戴在他头上。And I said, Let them set a fair mitre upon his head.

瓷砖切割器,角锯,拉铆枪及相关产品。Tile cutter, hand riveter, mitre saw and related products.

因此,这个词被翻译为“迈特”或“头饰。”As such, the word has been translated as "mitre" or "headdress. "

头戴黑毡法冠,冠上饰有银的新月。On his head was a mitre of black felt decorated with silver crescents.

而在这其中,与成本、价值相关的是迈特卡尔定律。And in this among them, related to cost, value is law of Mitre card Er.

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英格兰足球是非常体力化的,你必须非常快。English football is very physical and you have to be very quick, " he told Radio Mitre ."

他们就把洁净的冠冕戴在他头上,给他穿上华美的衣服,耶和华的使者在旁边站立。So they set a fair mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments. And the angel of the LORD stood by.

另一种是美国研究提出的利用192颗低轨卫星组成的移动通讯系统。The other is provided by the MITRE Corporation which uses a constellation of 192 low earth orbit satellites.

衔接技术,例如,人字缝,榫和触点,木制钉了所有已知的和广泛使用。Techniques such as dovetailing, mitre joints, tenon and mortice , wooden dowels were all known and extensively used.

尼古拉斯成了俄罗斯人的守护神,在那里,他以身披红斗篷,留着飘逸的白胡须,戴着主教法冠而闻名。Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.

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尼古拉斯成了俄罗斯人的守护神,在那里,他以身披红斗篷,留着飘逸的白胡须,戴着主教法冠而闻名。St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.

川西坳陷受多期构造事件影响,较普遍地存在同轴叠加型、横跨型和斜接型等复合构造。Compound structures, such as coaxial superimposed, cross-over and mitre types, are common in western Sichuan depression as a result of multistage tectonic events.

另外,产品的横截面可以接头衔接起来,接头可以斜接或者对接,不需要缠绕来密封切口,这样更容易简捷。In addition, the product of the cross section can joint together, joint can mitre or docking, do not need to coil to seal cutting, so that it can easily forthright.