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在阿尔戈斯建立一个国会。Construct a Capitol on Argos.

何维健即将发行他的第一张专辑。It will be her first under Capitol Music.

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在国会山正在发生着一个绿色淘金热。There's a green gold rush on Capitol Hill.

这是在巴林首都的又一次残酷镇压。Another deadly clash today in the capitol of Bahrain.

塔宝拉是塔宝拉地区的行政首府。Tabora is the administrative capitol of Tabora Region.

奥巴马在国会的休息室整理自己。Obama readies himself in a holding room at the Capitol.

这个机构在国会山得到非常宽松的待遇。The agency got the kid-glove treatment on capitol hill.

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请问警官大人,国会大厦怎么走?Excuse me, officer, how do I get to the Capitol building?

民主党昨天在国会山召开了竞选誓师大会。The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday.

在阿尔戈斯建立城市和毁灭1个敌人城镇中心。Construct a Capitol on Argos and destroy 1 enemy Town Center.

在阿尔戈斯建立城市和毁灭2个敌人城镇中心。Construct a Capitol on Argos and destroy 2 enemy Town Centers.

在美国国会大厦的石柱前拍照。Have your photo taken in front of the Capitol Building columns.

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罗斯福从未能控制国会中的这些元老。Roosevelt was never able to dominate the veterans on capitol hill.

比尔·盖茨曾是美国华盛顿州国会的侍从官。Bill Gates was a congressional page at the Washington state Capitol.

他在美国国会上公开批评总统提出的工作议案毫无用处。He decries inaction on Capitol Hill over the president's job's bill.

1793年,华盛顿总统给美国国会大厦植奠基石。In 1793, President Washington laid the cornerstone of the US Capitol.

我宣布,下一步,我们将在国会大厦前举行抗议活动。The next event, I announced, would be a protest at the state capitol.

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他最终离开了国会山而成为瑞银的一名投资银行家。He eventually left Capitol Hill to work for UBS as an investment banker.

位于法兰克福旧州议会前的戈贝尔雕像。A statue of Goebel stands in front of the Old State Capitol in Frankfort.

尼奇·阿尔古上周在美国国会大厦举行抗议该法律的演说。Nikki Araguz was at the Capitol last week to lobby against the legislation.