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考虑到税负,我们要修正负债不相关性Again, we have to qualify the debt irrelevance for taxes.

你的财富、名望和尘世的权力都将消失,变得无关紧要。Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.

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欧洲在沦为不相干角色的斜坡上,已经滑得太远,历时太长。The long slide toward irrelevance has been going on for far too long.

所有这些因为本周日本拉登的死亡而不再成为问题。All those questions faded into irrelevance with bin Laden's death on Sunday.

我认为,无视这一事实的人注定走向衰败,终将被时代所抛弃。Those who would ignore this fact are destined, I believe, for decline and irrelevance.

当莫迪利阿尼...他对股利无关性的表述,听起来有些绝对When Modigliani--this sounds like a very strong proposition about dividend irrelevance.

乔布斯在1997年晚些时候重回处在不当与财政危机边缘的苹果公司时。Apple was bordering on irrelevance and financial ruin when Jobs rejoined it in late 1997.

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如果我们主动放弃了其中的一个,我们也就将另外一个变得无足轻重、不切实际了。If we deprive ourselves of the one, we relegate the other to indecisiveness and irrelevance.

浮华在现代建筑学中是一个另人忌讳的词,因为它意味着浪费和不切主题。Rhetoric may be a dirty word in modern architecture, because it implies waste and irrelevance.

关于负债还有另外一个MM定律,也是讲负债不相关性的There's another Modigliani-Miller theorem about debt, which is about debt irrelevance as well.

该公司一直致力于打造一个不再为秘密的秘密武器,以免自己在未来变得无关紧要。The company has long been working on a not-so-secret weapon to avert its potential irrelevance.

你能认可这个标签,并走过来接受它同时并存的相关性和非相关性吗?Can you embrace the label and come forward, taking in its simultaneous relevance and irrelevance?

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然而,伊朗违背条约比把NPT推入不受中肯的深渊付出的代价更大。It would take more than Iran cheating on the treaty, however, to nudge the NPT into the abyss of irrelevance.

更令人担忧的是,对于那些冲着精心选择的大学课程而来的学生,高考成绩是否会变得毫无用处?More worrying, will A-levels become an irrelevance for students aiming for the most selective university courses?

谈到这个问题时,他似乎忘记了这个新设立的私立大学——只是一个异常化的随意——但是我并不确定。He offers this as if the new private university were an irrelevance – just a random anomaly – but I'm not so sure.

当时,蓝色巨人已经摇摇欲坠,正在走向没落和泯灭,为了阻止业务下滑,郭士纳作为CEO被引入的。Gerstner was brought in as CEO to halt the slide as the giant corporation lumbered towards irrelevance and oblivion.

但对于处于生存边缘的人们而言,“高尚的野蛮人”的浪漫主义褪色,变得毫不相干。But where people on the very edge of survival are concerned, romanticism over the "noble savage" fades to irrelevance.

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你的财富、声望和世俗的权力都将与你脱离关系。你所拥有的和所亏欠的都将与你不相干。Your wealth fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

你的财富、名望和凡世的权力都将变得卑微,成为无关紧要的东西。你欠了世人什么,世人又欠了你什么,所有这一切都不再重要。Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

你的财富、名望和凡世的权力都将变得卑微,成为无关紧要的东西。Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance 1. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.