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怎样才能提高自己的意志力?。How can ability raise his psychokinesis?

人要怎么提高自己的意志力?How should the person raise his psychokinesis?

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心灵转化系异能能造成大量伤害。Psychokinesis powers can deal large amounts of damage.

怎样成为一个意志力坚强的人?How to become the person of adamancy of a psychokinesis ?

吃什么东西属个人意志力问题,洗脸呢?Eat what thing to belong to individual psychokinesis problem, wash a face?

人需要怎么做才可以有坚强的意志力?Does the person need how to do ability to you can have firm psychokinesis ?

“心灵遥控”及其变体是心灵转化系的核心。Telekinesis and its variants are the heart of the Psychokinesis discipline.

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做什么事才能使自己的意志力变的更坚强?Those who what thing ability do to make his psychokinesis changes is firmer?

体质影响心灵转化系,亡灵生物是否被同时禁用这两个能系?Constitution does govern psychokinesis . Are undead creatures banned from both disciplines?

她们在家庭和事业上都很成功,她们有智慧并有很好的意志力和自控能力。They succeed both at home and career thanks to their wisdom and good psychokinesis and the self-controlling capability.

我们可以隐约看出托德的艺术天分、爆发力和自由追求目标的意志力。We are OK and faint the artistic genius that sees Todd, erupt force and the psychokinesis that pursue an objective freely.

不过,不死生物可以使用心灵转化系异能——但它们以魅力调整值作为该系异能的关键属性调整值。However, undead can use Psychokinesis powers --- but they substitute their Charisma ability score as the key modifier with these powers.

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睾丸受伤,通常疼痛难忍,那位歌手能坚持完成演出,可见其意志力之强。Spermary gets hurt, bear hard sorely normally, that singer can insist to achieve a performance, those who see its psychokinesis is strong.

王怀志终于意识到自己和郭家月的裂痕已经无法弥补,意志力开始逐渐崩溃。Wang Huaizhi realizes oneself and Guo Jiayue's crack cannot have been made up for eventually, psychokinesis begins to break down gradually.

而且每段音频都很醒目地标上了“后果自负”、“意志力薄弱者慎入”等提醒。And every paragraphs of frequency is very marked on ground mark " sequential conceit " , " psychokinesis is fragile person careful into " etc remind.

但为了继续工作,需提高警惕性与增强坚持工作的意志力,从而会造成心理紧张状态。But work to continue, need to rise vigilance and enhance the psychokinesis that holds to the job, can create psychological insecurity position thereby.

然而,尽管亡灵生物没有体质,但可以使用心灵转化系异能,他们展现心灵转化系异能时使用魅力值作为关键属性。However, an undead creature can use psychokinesis powers despite its lack of Constitution. It uses its Charisma score as the key ability score when manifesting psychokinesis powers.