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莫莉,我爱你。I love you, molly.

莫利是个富有的女人。Molly was a rich woman.

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莫利向门口走去。Molly went to the door.

我们现在称「米妮」为「莫莉」。We are calling Minny "Molly".

如果我不在,你把我当成风。I love you Molly. I always have.

她说着,扮个鬼脸。She says making a face to Molly.

莫莉艾文斯不能说,她能?Molly Ivins Can Say That Can She?

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莫利离开了房间,大家都没动。Molly left the room.Nobody moved.

接着去莫利房见她?And did you see Molly in her room?

接着你去莫利的房间见她了?‘And did you see Molly in her room?’

小丽,这是我的好朋友,茉莉。Lily, this is my bosom friend, Molly.

她看着餐桌对面的莫利。She looked across the table at Molly.

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茉莉,把你的情感释放出来吧,那就好了。Let your feelings out, Molly. It's OK.

莫丽和亨利在辩论班上。Molly and Henry were in the debate class.

到2009年为止,莫莉已经读了100本书。Molly had read 100 books by the year 2009.

莫莉比她更好的朋友学习更努力。Molly studies harder than her best friend.

这是可爱的梅露恩的结局。And that was the end of sweet Molly Malone.

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乔在与莫利的辩论中失利。Joe got the worst of the argument with Molly.

但是莫莉想知道自己的健康状况。But Molly wanted to know her health condition.

莫莉和泰德亲热的时候还想着肯。Molly is necking with Ted and thinking of Ken.