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胎儿监护仪?A fetal monitor?

这些是胎儿的耳骨。These are fetal ear bones.

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人胎素是什么?What is The human fetal hormon?

胎心率未发现异常改变。Fetal heart rate was not abnormal.

在胎儿的位置,她会用勺子。Curl up in the fetal position, she spoons.

为什么最近的很多研究集中于胎儿感觉?。Why the recent interest in fetal sentience ?

但没有法令禁止胎儿性别检测。But there is no law prohibiting fetal sexing.

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无脑儿是胎儿颅穹窿缺陷。Anencephaly is absence of the fetal cranial vault.

精神上,我已经缩到一个胚胎大小了。Mentally, I was shrinking into the fetal position.

木胎,漆表呈黑、红二色。Fetal wood, lacquer table was black, red dichroism.

胎儿监护仪一共有三种There are three types of continuous fetal monitoring

从母亲怀中的胎动、肢体动作。Fetal movement from the mother's arms, body movements.

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子宫破裂的首要原因是胎位性难产,其次为疤痕破裂。The first reason for uterine ruptures is fetal dystocia.

我是16周,四个月后感觉到胎动的。I was 16 weeks, four months after feeling fetal movement.

婴儿睡姿可能比较舒服,但对皮肤来说却不太好,而趴睡则将肚子压在身下呼吸也会有害健康。The fetal position may be comfy, but it's bad for your skin.

内监护。胎心率的内监护是侵入性的。C. Internal fetal monitoring of FHR is an invasive procedure.

没有糖尿病小鼠死于尾静脉快速注射过程。The rapid tail vein injection did not cause any fetal result.

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科学家从胎儿肝和淋巴腺获得组织。The scientists took tissues from fetal liver, and lymph glands.

方法体外分离培养人成骨细胞。Methods The osteoblasts were isolated from human fetal calvaria.

有的还可能导致胎儿唇裂、腭裂等。Some may also lead to fetal cleft lip , cleft palate, and so on.