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雇主连一零吉都没给我。The employer never gave even one ringgit.

现在,马币可以与人民币直接兑换。The Malaysian ringgit can now trade directly with the yuan.

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两人只得又花了311马币改乘亚洲航空公司当晚的航班前往沙巴。The two have spent only 311 ringgit AirAsia switch to night flights to Sabah.

即期装船的现货棕榈油报价下跌15令吉,至每吨1,985令吉。Prompt shipment of palm oil spot pricing fell 15 ringgit to 1985 ringgit per tonne.

新加坡花红将依照马来西亚花红,半套马币50,一套马币100。Singapore bonus will follow the Malaysia Ringgit RM50 for 0.5 set and RM100 for 1 set.

该工作队成立了恢复未申报的义务,数以亿万令吉。The task force was set up to recover undeclared duties, amounting to hundreds of millions of ringgit.

马币五令吉对他们来说很重要,如果给他们十令吉就可以看到他们脸上的喜悦。A five ringgit note means so much to them. Give them 10 ringgit and you can see the joy in their face.

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文莱元的兑换率约是1美元折合1.65文莱元。It is also known as ringgit locally in Malay. The exchange rate is around 1 USD for 1.65 Brunei dollars.

我不希望有看的人的脸,我刚才谁数千林吉特更穷,而我在做我的拉特。I don't want to have to look at the person's face who just made me a few thousand ringgit poorer while I'm doing my lats.

林吉特成为第一个在中国银行间外汇市场挂牌交易的新兴市场国家货币。Ringgit became the first currency of an emerging market economy traded in the Chinese inter-bank foreign exchange market.

马来西亚货币林吉特最近几个月来的持续上扬不利于马国班轮公司降低货运成本。THE rise of the Malaysian ringgit in recent months is unlikely to encourage shipping lines to reduce their freight charges.

事实上,除美元外,其余货币与人民币的相互兑换的交易量并不大,估计马币也不能例外。With the exception of the dollar, those currency pairings are lightly traded, and the ringgit will likely to be no different.

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政府也拨款2千万令吉训练印裔青年,使他们可以学得一技之长和找到工作。The government has allocated 20 million ringgit to re-train and re-skill Indian youths so that they could be gainfully employed.

总值约略超过十五亿令吉的发展计划,目前正如火如荼的在规划与施工中。These projects, worth more than 1.5 Billion ringgit in total development value, are in advanced stages of planning and construction.

在斗湖机场,马航的工作人员告知她们,可以退款,每人退97马币,但必须回广州办事处办理。At Tawau Airport, Malaysia Airlines staff told them, you can refund, returned 97 ringgit per person, but must return to Canton office.

在政府报告经济学家预期错误而实现了出口增长时,马来西亚的林吉特5天来首次走强。Malaysia’s ringgit strengthened for the first time in five days after the government reported export growth that beat economists’ forecasts.

吉林雾凇、冰雪体育、松花湖、乌拉古城、北山古庙群及满族、朝鲜族民俗风情等构成了吉林特有的北方特色。Jilin fog jobs, snow sports, Songhuahu, Ula city, Beishan Temple Kwan and Manchu, Korean folk customs, etc. Some of the ringgit North characteristics.

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相反,以往在股市抛售期间急剧走软的货币几乎纹丝未动,比如泰铢、马来西亚林吉特和印尼卢比。Instead, currencies that used to gyrate sharply during stock selloffs such as the Thai baht, Malaysian ringgit and Indonesian rupiah have barely budged.

估价费由数百令吉起,视产业的价值而定,您也将被徵收这项服务的费用。The valuation fee for this service starts from a few hundred ringgit upwards, depending on the value of the property and you will be charged for this service.

如果你的设备1公斤体重比他多,那么你最好把失去的体重1公斤,节省数千令吉相比,其他的人!If your equipment weigh 1 kilogram more than his, then you are better off losing 1kg off your body weight and save thousands of Ringgit compared to the other person!