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铜丝。Copper wire.

我叫玛丽库伯。I'm Mary Copper.

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铜质蒸馏器。Copper distiller.

五美元的铜价?Five-dollar copper?

铜导线为基础的媒体。Copper wire-based media.

她喜欢那些铜锅。She liked the copper pots.

科珀和托托是朋友。Copper and Tod are friends.

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托托和科珀是朋友。Tod and Copper are friends.

铜矿砂及其精矿。Copper ores and concentrates.

铜会传电。Copper transmits electricity.

这些水壶全是铜的。These kettles are all copper.

但他最好的朋友是科珀。But his best friend is Copper.

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铁比铜容易铸型。Iron casts better than copper.

铁比铜更易于浇铸。Iron casts better than copper.

哇,这只平果准是铜做的吧。My, it must be made of copper.

整顿铜币。Thirdly, redding copper coins.

使铜氧化变成氧化铜。Oxidize copper to copper oxide.

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把铜打成这个形状。Beat the copper into this shape.

铜和银都是金属。Copper and gold are both metals.

我这里看到把没有铜箍的,没要。I saw one with copper hoop here.