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好吧,那我明白了。Okey , i see then.

我就是我,我很好。I am me and Iam okey.

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好的,我来了。Okey Dokey! I'm coming.

穿这件绿色衣服不行吗?Isn't this green dress okey?

告诉他们他们的感觉很好。Tell them their feelings are okey.

好,你现在可以按下快门了。Okey. You can pull the trigger now.

好的,星期六你有空吗?。Okey. Do you have Saturday available?

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好了,请右边的同学转过头去。Okey. Now, turn your head, this group.

麦奇知道他可以有各种各样的欲望。Munchie knows it's okey to have desires.

这一次,让我自己来处理这件事情,好吗?You've gotta let me deal with this , okey?

好了!是谁把大头针弄我椅子上的?Okey –who's the joker who put the tack on my chair?

盖雅一直在困惑为什么要吃掉自己的孩子。The planet wondered if it was okey for its children to be eaten.

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大牛,你看阿妈那么热情,你就再喝一碗吧。好好好。Daniel, since Amah is so sincere, you just have another bowl. Okey.

可供选择的蔬菜有豌豆和胡罗卜、花椰菜、玉米或菜豆。Okey , vegetables are peas and carrots, broccoli, corn or string beans.

我没事好吗。现在看我怎么样用男子气概去吸引女生吧。来吧。I'm fine! Okey? Now watch me impress some ladies with my manliness. Come on.

你忠实的朋友会牵起你的手,然后告诉你一切都会变好的。Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okey.

真正的朋友会握着你的手,告诉你一切都回好起来的。Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okey.

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真正的朋友会握者你的手,告诉你一切都会好起来的。Yuor forever friend holds your hand and tells you that you everything is going to be okey.

我知道你的感受,那是可理解的。别放弃,我在这,会帮你。一切都会好起来的。没事了。I know how you feel. That's understandable. Don't give up. I'm here for you. Things will get better. It's okey.

他们说这要冷静那要冷静,但是事实是,他们允许了日本人向中国推动这个威胁。They say calm this and that but the real truth is, they are giving the Japos the okey to push with this threat to China.